8 mar 2016

International Women’s Day: Barco’s ‘girl power’!

1 min di lettura

Remember the 80’s song “Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves”, where Aretha Franklin and Annie Lennox celebrated the fact that “sisters are standing on their own two feet”? On today’s International Women’s Day, we invite all our Barco female colleagues to sing along…

More women, better results
Barco strongly believes that a diverse company culture, where women and men work respectfully together is a balanced, productive and creative culture. More than that, studies and surveys have proven that a diverse workplace really contributes to the company’s bottom line.  

Join all the powerful Barco ladies

Today’s International Women’s Day is an ideal opportunity to personally invite the talent in your professional network, women and men, to consider the career opportunities at Barco. Do you want to join all the powerful Barco ladies on the ‘we can do it’ pictures below? Check out

our job openings and get in touch! Or maybe you want to help us in our quest for talent? Spread the word via Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. 

Animated gif with strong Barco women celebrating International Women's Day

To all our female colleagues: We wish to recognize you on International Women’s Day. And don’t forget: together, we build a culture and organization around the globe, which we are glad to share with our families, friends and professional colleagues. Thank you for your daily contributions and making Barco a great place to be. 

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