Larger companies may choose to go for an in-house SNOC, other organizations rely on third-party Managed Service Providers (MSP) to take care of their NOC/SOC operations.
4 min di lettura
Network Operations Centers (NOC) and Security Operations Centers (SOC) are increasingly joining forces or sharing their operations into a combined center. Security and Network Operations Centers (SNOC) or fusion centers are popping up around the world. Why is merging your NOC and SOC such a good idea? And what control room visualization technology do you need to make it work?
Running a high-performance network today is almost synonymous with managing cyber-security risks. It’s not difficult to see a connection between managing performance and security. A cyber-attack can heavily affect the performance of the network. Conversely, although maybe a bit less obvious, the more infrastructure and network capacity you deploy to ensure the performance of your business applications, the more that needs to be protected from cyber threats.
But this begs the question: when network problems occur, do these need to be handled by the NOC or the SOC? Or, when NOCs and SOCs are separate centers, can we be sure that network issues or cyber-attacks are handled effectively? Both types of centers may have different goals, but in the end, don’t they serve a common purpose of keeping the business network in a healthy shape?
Combining a NOC and SOC makes perfect sense, for a few reasons.
Larger companies may choose to go for an in-house SNOC, other organizations rely on third-party Managed Service Providers (MSP) to take care of their NOC/SOC operations.
Sharing NOC and SOC operations can take different forms. Larger companies may choose to go for an in-house SNOC, other organizations rely on third-party Managed Service Providers (MSP) to take care of their NOC/SOC operations. Many times, it’s some hybrid SNOC. For example, an organization may combine an in-house NOC with outsourced SOC services.
Not sure how to make your NOC and SOC work together more efficiently? Then discover our control room solutions for NOCs and SOCs or get in touch with a Barco expert.