25 ott 2022

Barco services: how to best optimize your control room uptime

Assistenza · Videowall · 1 min di lettura

Control rooms are critical applications that often need to be operational 24/7. It is therefore extremely important to avoid any sort of downtime. Whatever the size, whatever the complexity: a Barco service contract is the best choice for organizations that want to ensure their continued operations.

As an example, this subway traffic management center with a Barco video wall consisting of 54 rear-projection cubes, relies on Barco services to ensure its uptime.


Barco's Enable-Protect-Optimize service structure comprises all you need to get your video wall infrastructure up and running at any time. With components for a perfect deployment (Enable), maintenance (Protect) and even proactively monitored (Optimize), you can choose the services that best suit your application and use. Trust on Barco to help getting the job done, from the very start to the end of your solution's lifecycle. Our global presence ensures you can count on our service experts, wherever you are located.

Thanks to the launch of our new e-portal, you can enjoy even faster and easier access to our services.

Check out our full portfolio by following the link below.

Control room services portfolio