24 jan. 2023

Barco and Skysoft-ATM enable recording and synchronized replay of video walls and workplaces in control rooms

Kortrijk, 24 January 2023 – In today’s control rooms, operators have to deal with a constantly increasing number of live audio-visual information and data streams. They are also working and reacting in real-time on a variety of systems. So being able to capture and reproduce what they experience has become essential. This is now realistically possible.

The need to get a fuller picture of what operators have to deal with in control rooms has become essential. The public safety sector is increasingly required to implement screen recording to capture the activity on agents’ desktops synchronously with their conversations and action. Only this enables a full understanding of why certain decisions were taken for either later review, audits or for training purposes.

Integrated recording and replay

SkySoft offers a unique solution for recording and synchronized replay of video walls and workplaces in control rooms. The system is now being seamlessly integrated into Barco’s Control Room solutions. This allows the output of single source workstations, the content of operator workplace screens, or the whole display area of large video walls to be recorded and replayed from Barco encoders. The recordings are immediately available for synchronized replay on the same screen(s), on a superuser position, a dedicated replay position or anywhere within the Barco system.

From a technical perspective, the stream from the Barco encoder is recorded by the SkySoft platform.


  • Captures what the operators see and do - at any point in time
  • Can be used to facilitate training
  • Helps identify possible malfunctions in applications
  • Keeps the system safe and documents operators’ actions


  • Incident investigation
  • Training purposes
  • Helps identify possible malfunctions in applications

An “even fuller picture”

“Barco develops control room systems that enable operators to view better, share faster and resolve more quickly,” according to Chris Klepacz, Strategic Alliances Manager at Barco. “By integrating SkySoft into our solutions, operators can now better analyze incidents and audit systems or processes. So they get an even fuller picture of the overall effectiveness of their work, for either incident analysis or training purposes.”

Miguel Da Silva of SkySoft looks at it from the operators’ point of view. “Control room operators must make decisions within seconds, and sometimes need to have a second look,” he says. “Barco’s integration of SkySoft recording and replay with their solutions allows operators to establish sustainable awareness, maximize their performance and reduce the cost and risk of failure for their operations.”

SkySoft will be attending ISE 2023 in Barcelona. Demos are available at the Barco stand, 3D400, January 31-February 3.


About Barco
Barco is a global technology leader that develops networked visualization solutions for the entertainment, enterprise, and healthcare markets. Our solutions make a visible impact, allowing people to enjoy compelling entertainment experiences; to foster knowledge sharing and smart decision-making in organizations and to help hospitals provide their patients with the best possible healthcare.

Headquartered in Kortrijk (Belgium), Barco realized sales of 804 million euro in 2021 and has a global team of 3,000+ employees, whose passion for technology is captured in +500 granted patents. Barco has been listed on the Brussels Stock Exchange since 1985. (Euronext: BAR; Reuters: BARBt.BR; Bloomberg: BAR BB)

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About SkySoft
SkySoft-ATM brings innovative solutions to the many challenges of Air Traffic Control. By combining technical performance and a human approach, the company achieves high productivity, reliability and safety standards. Whether it’s managing complicated metropolitan traffic or internal and external security, our next generation of Control Room software bring unequalled performance and peace of mind.


This enables us to currently record thousands of screens, keyboards and mice as well as radar and voice channels worldwide.

SkySoft-ATM is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. For more information, visit us on

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