
About Barco caves

A cave display is a multi-sided immersive environment that offers great levels of immersion. Contrary to Head-Mounted Displays (HMDs), caves foster collaboration. Because multiple people have access to the same 3D image in the same space (so not in a personal virtual environment), it's a lot easier to communicate and collaborate. 

Our know-how of all components, including projectors, screens and controllers, makes Barco and its partners the safest choice to build the multi-walled environment that best fits your needs. 

We needed a system that could handle any kind of 3D content, and which allows the user to get close to the projection surface whilst maintaining a good resolution, a critical requirement for a fully immersive system.

Jonathon Shaw

Technology Manager, MTC

Cave stories


Talk to us

Don't hesitate to contact us with your questions. Our team will gladly point you in the right direction.