
Hospital La Bene passes General Health Council audit with flying colors

San Luis Potosí, MX · 2019

Barco solutions:

  • Nio Color 3MP 
  • Nio 5MP 
  • Coronis Fusion 6MP



Sociedad de Beneficencia Española, A.C. has been dedicated to the health of local citizens in Mexico for more than 130 years. From June 30th to July 2nd, 2016, they received an audit by the General Health Council and exceeded the projected expectations, not only achieving recertification for an additional five years, but doing so with a rating of 99.1  This is an important regulatory requirement.


La Bene San Luis has made significant investments to improve the quality of patient care in the last three years through various technological updates. In that time, they’ve replaced all their imaging equipment with the latest technology, including the system they use to electronically share these studies with radiologists, general practitioners, nurses and patients.


The most important change in this regard was the incorporation of our Nio Color 3MP, Nio 5MP and Coronis Fusion 6MP diagnostic displays, which have the best quality in the market and support more accurate interpretations. For example, radiologists can use Barco displays to identify lesions that may not be detectable with conventional monitors.

In addition to the upgrade in equipment, the Blue Room was also renovated to ensure the space, lighting and overall environment provides ergonomics that enable radiologists to offer the best service to their patients.


The current radiology team has six radiologists and seventeen technicians. According to Dr. Cesar Davalos Isais, Chief of Radiology Department, the transition from diagnosing on conventional displays to Barco displays has allowed for increased diagnostic accuracy in mammography cases and helps in the visualization of microcalcifications. This is also true for patients with renal insufficiency, as the detection of microliths is much clearer and gives them more confidence when providing diagnoses.


1 Source of information -

Barco displays have an excellent definition, you see many details that cannot be seen on any other display.

Dr. Cesar Davalos Isais

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