8 feb. 2013

63rd Berlinale officially opened

Partners · Projector · 1 min leestijd

The Berlin International Film Festival (Berlinale) marked the official opening of its 2013 edition with a glamorous gala yesterday evening. For the past ten years, Barco has been guiding the film festival into the digital age with an ever-growing number of Barco digital cinema projectors.


The very first film screened at this year’s Berlinale was Wong Kar Wai’s ‘The Grandmaster’. Following the international premiere of this epic martial-arts drama, a total of 718 more films will be shown before the end of the festival.

As a result of Barco’s partnership with the Berlinale organization, 19 Barco projectors will be used during the festival, including the new DP2K-10Sx projectors – a first on the German-Austrian-Swiss market. The new projectors perfectly fit the festival screenings in smaller theaters, independent cinemas and art-houses. “Up until last year, about 15 to 20% of the films couldn’t be shown digitally, because the digital projectors were too big to fit the screening booth. Thanks to Barco’s new DP2K-10Sx around 90% will be projected digitally this year,” said Ove Sander, Technical Manager Digital Cinema.

“Barco has always been our first choice,” explains Dagmar Forelle, Head of Sponsorship at the Berlinale. “And we have never regretted that decision. Barco offers us great quality and the best technical support.” Tim Sinnaeve, Market Director Digital Cinema at Barco is just as enthusiastic: “We are proud of our long-term partnership with the Berlin Film Festival. Barco supports the Berlinale's mission of promoting film in all its genres, and strives to inspire audiences through innovative cinema technologies such as projection and 3D sound.”

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