29 okt. 2014

Avoid eye strain with these five display specifications

1 min leestijd

For many of us, a large part of our working-time is spent looking at displays. By helping us work more efficiently, they have become an indispensable part of our working environment. There are a few downsides, however: According to studies, nearly 70 per cent of US adults experience eye strain after screengazing for six to nine hours on end. That’s why it’s important to keep the following aspects in mind when choosing your next display solution.

1) Brightness: For a reading experience that isn’t to tiring on the eyes, make sure that the brightness level of your screen isn’t much higher than that of your surroundings. Many contemporary displays adjust automatically – make sure yours does as well.

2) Contrast: The native contrast (the visual difference in appearance between black and white) of your display is an important factor to consider as well. But don’t be fooled: some display companies advertise only their sequential contrast specifications, where black is measured first and then white. Look for specifications where both are measured simultaneously, named ANSI Contrast.

3) Size: This is pretty self-evident, but still. Make sure your screen is big enough to show text at the appropriate size that it is pleasant for you to read.

4) Color reproduction and temperature: Several studies have indicated that blue light causes more eye strain than other colors. That’s why it is important to have accurate color reproduction, as well as the possibility to adjust and control the color performance of the display.

5) Flickering: You know, that annoying pulsing and flickering which is extremely exhausting when looking at your screen for long periods. It’s caused either by an illumination system that is pushed too hard, or by low quality image processing. Whatever the case, make sure you consider both aspects when choosing your next display.

Learn more about Barco’s Corporate AV products.



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