10 sep. 2015

A unified approach to the radiology reading room: a step in the right direction

Healthcare · 2 min leestijd

When we began work on the design of Coronis UnitiTM, our goal was to create a display system that made a difference in your working day, that wasn’t just about the technical benefits but also fit the way you work.

We took the time to listen to the views of radiologists, to understand better what you actually look for in a display, what would make your reading room function more efficiently, and what we could do to make a positive impact on your working day. 

Did we succeed with Coronis Uniti? We’ve been speaking to radiologists who’ve been among the first to use it in practice. Dr. Julia Camps, Head of Radiology at La Ribera University Hospital in Valencia, Spain, gave us her views: 

Barco: What interested you about Coronis Uniti?
Multimodality is hugely important. Workstations that only view one type of modality waste space and can create inefficiencies. What I’m looking for as a radiologist is to be able to interact with images, be they ultrasound, tomosynthesis or even analog images. 

Barco: Has the way you work changed over the last few years?
The way I work hasn’t changed, it’s more that the technology has caught up with me! I’ve always preferred to use multimodality imaging but it’s not until recently that it has become more standard practice. In my breast clinic I viewed mammography on a different screen from MRI, but it was in a different room which made reading screens inefficient. With Coronis Uniti, I can read every image on the same workstation. 

Barco: For you, is better technology key to improving productivity?
It is, but it’s not just a question of equipment. Increased bandwidth and better connectivity are also essential as reports become more complex. Investing more in the radiology department though will bring benefits elsewhere – we can give clinicians better information, we can work more closely to make sure they are getting exactly what they need. 

So it’s really important to consider radiology as totally interconnected with almost every other part of the health system and look at where productivity can be improved as a whole, not just in one part of the equation at the potential expense of another. 

It’s really time to consider us as part of the clinical team, involved in care, contributing to diagnosis and treatment, and having that level of involvement throughout the patient journey. While this may increase the role of the radiologist, it would create wider efficiencies.

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