20 feb. 2019

Barco CEO signs for a sustainable future

Duurzaamheid · 2 min leestijd

On February 5, over 100 CEOs, including our own Jan De Witte, kicked off "Sign for my Future", the broadest climate coalition in Belgium ever. Together with universities, civil society organizations, citizens and media companies, companies demand a more ambitious climate policy from the government.

An interesting side fact: “Sign for my future” was launched with a “guerilla” visual spectacle on the Brussels parliament, powered by Barco projectors.

Kick-off of Sign for my Future with projection mapping in Brussels

High sustainability ambitions

At Barco, we are not just signing a petition; we are truly shaping the company to create sustainable impact. Sustainability has become part of the company’s strategic DNA, which has translated in a plan based on three pillars: People, Planet and Communities. Our ambitions for the planet are also focused on three areas: greenhouse gas emissions from operations, energy efficiency of our products and circular economy.

"We want to reduce the carbon footprint of our own operations by 20% by 2020. In addition, we aim to reduce the energy footprint of our products by 25% and ensure that at least 25% of our new products have an A eco-score or higher"
Jan De Witte

We set up several actions in order to reduce the carbon footprint of our operations: the company building is energy-efficient; we are using LED lighting, solar panels and are buying green electricity. In logistics, we reduce air cargo and focus on optimal packaging for efficient transport.

Green company culture

We are moving from awareness to true engagement among employees to make sustainability an integral part of the business. For over five years now, our iGemba program has encouraged Barco operators around the globe to continuously improve processes by placing them at the heart of improvement ideas. Employees are challenged to come up with ideas that enhance our environmental footprint, like reducing energy use, waste, transportation, and packaging.

Progress and ambitions

Interested in our plans for the future? You can read more about our 2020 ambitions for sustainability and the progress we have made so far in our latest sustainability report.

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