9 sep. 2019

Barco awarded “Prime” status in ISS-oekom's Sustainability Rating

Duurzaamheid · Investeerders · 1 min leestijd

ISS-oekom is one of the world’s leading rating agencies for sustainable investments. The ISS-oekom rating considers Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) aspects by evaluating more than 100 industry-specific indicators with grades from A+ (best grade) to D-. Companies that achieve the best ESG scores among their sector peers, are recognized as “Prime”. Barco has obtained a C+ score and is rated as a Prime company. With that result, we are ranking in the top 20% of the Electronic Devices & Appliances industry.

ISS-oekom is a quite recent and very future-oriented benchmark. It leaves a lot of space for further development and therefore the criteria are quite strict. Barco’s overall C+ is considered a really good result and clearly demonstrates the company’s efforts in this field. The graph below shows the distribution of ratings for companies in Barco’s field, visualizing our leading position.

"Sustainability is an integral part of our company strategy," says Jan De Witte, CEO of Barco. "We are very happy to be labelled with the Prime Status by ISS-oekom. Barco has a great team of ambassadors who are leading the change. The good rating reflects our people’s continuing efforts to improve Barco’s sustainability performance and reporting. But the rating also spurs us on to further progress. We still have room for improvement and are eager to take up the challenge.”

Want to know more about Barco’s sustainability strategy and performance?


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