17 sep. 2019

Talk to the wall: Barco Video wall Manager makes video wall management easy and intuitive

Videomuren · 1 min leestijd

Video wall manager image plug into wall

When considering a large video wall, the display panels themselves are generally the topic of discussion. The most asked questions include: “How much brightness does it bring”, “How many colors are available” and “What is the inter-screen gap”. However, the total experience also very much depends on the more anonymous video wall management software. Today, we break the silence and introduce the new generation of Barco’s video wall management software Video wall Manager, that really makes a difference.

Video wall Manager is the software that not only helps you to set up and configure the large video wall, but also makes sure all displays display a perfect image over time (including Barco’s renowned Sense X automatic brightness and color calibration system) and allows you to adjust and schedule the settings when needed (for example by switching to Night Mode to prevent eye strain). The new generation of WallConnect is rewritten from scratch and now provides a brand-new UI that boosts the user experience. The installation wizard is extremely easy to use and will guide users through the whole process.

Aiming for an optimal experience

“By completely rewriting the Video wall Manager we aimed to offer an optimal experience for both installers and users”, says Jay Badvel, Product Manager at Barco. “The step-by-step wizard guides the installer through the complete process in a very intuitive way. There is no training needed to use the software at all. Furthermore, also the usage of the software has been made a lot more user-friendly, while still upholding a strict security policy. We are convinced that the revamped software provides a lot of additional value to our customers.”