Do what you're passionate about and you'll grow and make a difference
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Every day is International Women’s Day at our company, we have talented tech ladies on board. At Barco we encourage and inspire young women to shape their own future and consider a career in technology.
The big dream of Evelien De Smet, Business Development Director Corporate EMEA, was becoming a pilot or auto mechanic. Ever since she was young, she was determined to fully explore her interests. Whether it was horse riding (and excelling at it, too!), building Lego technics constructions, making her own radio, repairing televisions or dismantling go-karts, Evelien did everything with great enthusiasm. Her eye for precision, detail and excellence still drives her in her career today. Not in the sky or in a garage, but at Barco, where she had the chance to fully explore her passion for technology.
As one of the only two girls in the class, she was set on getting her bachelor degree in electronics Telecommunication and scored an internship at Barco. In her pass-time she started repairing television sets, she mastered the skills for visualization tech in no time. Following her interests, she grew in the company, from the operations floor, to the service desk and leading the EMEA Sales Business Development team today. Always keen on testing the products herself, she got an extensive knowledge about our solutions in different markets, from healthcare, LED to collaborative solutions. A true plus when talking to customers of Fortune 1000 companies in the Business Development for our ClickShare, weConnect or UniSee products.
“Ladies have their own place in an often masculine, scientific and technological environment. They bring passion to grow and make that difference.”Mastering analytical skills and logical thinking can be used in any job. And even girls are good at it 😉. Follow your heart and master your fascination for innovative engineering and science. You’ll only grow and make a difference in the world.