20 jul. 2021

Why are virtual teaching and training methods more sustainable?

Duurzaamheid · 4 min leestijd

Sustainable development is the key to a better future for ourselves, our communities and our planet and virtual teaching and training will help your organization reach your sustainability objectives.

Organizations are acknowledging the impact their operations and objectives have at a societal level and are taking steps to become part of the solution to the world’s most pressing problems.

In this sense, the United Nations elaborated 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030. They include plans to eliminate poverty, hunger and inequality, improve health, education and working conditions, and strive for sustainable cities and responsible production.

At Barco, we guide our sustainability strategy by the UN SDGs and we encourage and support all organizations to become more sustainable. 

The Cone Communications Millennial Employee Study found that 64% of Millennials consider an organization’s social and environmental commitments when deciding where to work and 83% would be more loyal to an organization that helps tackle these issues.

When it comes to Gen Z, the data is even more categoric. A study by WeSpire found that Gen-Z is ‘the first generation to prioritize purpose over salary´.

Young generations are also changing higher education and shifting the business focus towards a more holistic view based on the triple bottom line - profit, people and planet.

Responsible and ethical leadership are significant issues for MBA participants, according to Tomorrow’s MBA, an annual survey by consultancy CarringtonCrisp, cited in Financial Times. In its latest study, 70% of respondents mentioned ethical leadership as the most important to business education teaching and research, followed by diversity and equality (67%).

In a UK national survey led among 9000 students, 91% think their place of study should actively incorporate and promote sustainable development. Younger generations want to work and study in places and with people that share these values.

Sustainability should be top of the agenda for all organizations. So how can virtual teaching and training exactly contribute to your sustainability strategy?

Virtual teaching and training support sustainable development 

Virtual teaching and training can support inclusive and equitable quality education, promote lifelong learning opportunities and improve gender balance. 

Virtual methods offer more flexibility by allowing learning whenever there is an internet connection and at any time of the day for asynchronous methods.

This means training and education can include more diverse learners previously constrained by geography or timing.

It can lower tuition fees and training costs and even increase scholarships in educational institutions.

From the environmental perspective, going virtual will essentially cut travelling, significantly lowering an organization's carbon footprint, supporting the efforts to combat climate change and its impact.

Barco can help your organization become more sustainable

Our virtual teaching and training solution, Barco weConnect can help you fulfill your sustainability objectives and become part of the solution to some of the world´s most pressing issues, while attracting bright, forward-looking talent.

Thanks to it, the instructor will engage with participants remotely, from anywhere in the world, never losing sight of their participants, while learners will enjoy a rich, engaging learning experience, meaningful interaction and connection, regardless of the distance.

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