4 mei 2023

Barco honored at NAB Show Excellence in Sustainability Awards

Cinema · Prijs · 2 min leestijd

The NAB Show in Las Vegas is an annual trade show produced by the National Association of Broadcasters. It is the largest show for media, entertainment and technology in the Broadcast business. Barco is proud to announce that it has received an honorable mention at the 2023 NAB Show Excellence in Sustainability Awards. This recognizes Barco’s efforts in making its products and processes more sustainable.

The NAB Show Excellence in Sustainability Awards is a newly launched awards program. It recognizes individuals, organizations, and products/services for outstanding innovations in media technology that promote conservation and reusability of natural resources while fostering economic and social development. The winners were selected by a panel of sustainability experts.

Designing for sustainable performance

“At Barco, going for sustainable impact is one of the three pillars of our corporate strategy”, says Dries Vanneste, Sustainability Manager at Barco. “The introduction of our ecoscoring methodology was a big step forward. We created   this frontrunning and third-party validated tool to measure the sustainability performance of our products. Not just in terms of energy consumption, but on all aspect of their ecodesign (covering energy consumption, use of materials, packaging & logistics, and total lifecycle performance). Products that are at the top of the ranking and thus have a lower environmental footprint, can be marked with the ‘Barco Eco Product label’. In this way, the Ecoscore methodology clearly shows the added value of our products for customers.”

nab award excellence in sustainability honorable mention

Opportunities for a massive impact

Tom Bert, Director of Cinema Technology, adds: “Through the conversion of the cinema market from lamp-powered to laser-enabled projection, 1-5kW power consumption reduction per screen can be achieved. When multiplied by the 30k screens that Barco has already converted to laser, and the 200k total screen opportunity, this is a massive impact. In our product design, we take sustainability into account from day 1 all the way into mass production. Our Series4 cinema projector was one of the first products to achieve the ‘Barco Eco Product label’, thanks to its integral use of sustainable materials, transportation methods, and lifecycle management. The honorable mention at the NAB Show Excellence in Sustainability Awards is therefore a big achievement for the whole team.”

Do you want to know more about Barco’s sustainability strategy? Then visit the dedicated pages on our website.

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