20 mei 2019

Barco on the forefront of simulation projection at recent summit

1 min leestijd

As airline training simulators become more advanced, the technology requirements need to keep pace—a task Barco is well suited for as proven at a recent industry summit. Neil Wittering, Director of Simulation Business Development at Barco presented “Trends and Outlook for Sight and Sound in Simulation” at the World Aviation Training Summit held in Orlando May 2, 2019  WATS, the world’s largest gathering of aviation training professionals, addresses the current and future training issues affecting the businesses of today.

The annual summit offers unrivaled opportunities to meet with key decision makers and influencers within the international airline training community. Wittering’s thought leadership piece reviewed the recent advances in projection technology relative to the needs of the industry, and shared where the visual side of the industry is on delivering increased image fidelity, higher performance and lower total cost of ownership.  In addition, he covered the missing element in simulation: audio.  Wittering discussed the recent developments in audio, the drivers for the future and how to best meet these demands including immersive audio technology and potential applications in airline cabin training simulators.

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