Diagnostic displays and MDR rule 10
So how can a manufacturer know to which class their products need to belong? Well, the MDR lists a series of rules to help them correctly assign the right class to their products.
Rule 10 covers a whole range of equipment in various fields for capture of physiological signals, as well as specifically therapeutic and diagnostic radiology (source: MDCG 2021-24 guidance on classification).
Our Regulatory team worked with TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH, a well-known German notified body. For diagnostic procedures, our assessment based on this rule is that diagnostic displays should be considered as Class IIa risk products. From this, it follows that any software that supports and enhances diagnostic readings needs to be registered in the same class as the displays that they support. For Barco, this would seem self-evident.
In practical terms, this means that Barco assumes its responsibility as the manufacturer in case of issues arising from the manufacture of the displays .