Nio Color 2MP (MDNC-2521)

Nio Color 2MP (MDNC‑2521)

Your 21” 2MP companion for general radiology today

  • A trusted display with a long and stable lifetime
  • A complete solution, up to speed with radiology today
  • Intervention-free QA with QAWeb Enterprise
  • A++ ecolabel thanks to high energy efficiency
Dit product is niet beschikbaar in uw land/regio.
This product is currently only available in the following countries/regions: Afghanistan, Albanië, Algerije, Amerikaans-Samoa, Amerikaanse Maagdeneilanden, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antarctica, Antigua en Barbuda, Argentinië, Armenië, Aruba, Australië, Azerbeidzjan, Bahama’s, Bahrein, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, België, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnië en Herzegovina, Botswana, Bouveteiland, Brazilië, Brits Indische Oceaanterritorium, Britse Maagdeneilanden, Brunei, Bulgarije, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodja, Canada, Caribisch Nederland, Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek, Chili, Christmaseiland, Cocoseilanden, Colombia, Comoren, Congo-Brazzaville, Congo-Kinshasa, Cookeilanden, Costa Rica, Cuba, Curaçao, Cyprus, Denemarken, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominicaanse Republiek, Duitsland, Ecuador, Egypte, El Salvador, Equatoriaal-Guinea, Eritrea, Estland, Ethiopië, Faeröer, Falklandeilanden, Fiji, Filipijnen, Finland, Frankrijk, Frans-Guyana, Frans-Polynesië, Franse Gebieden in de zuidelijke Indische Oceaan, Gabon, Gambia, Georgië, Ghana, Gibraltar, Grenada, Griekenland, Groenland, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guatemala, Guernsey, Guinee, Guinee-Bissau, Guyana, Haïti, Heard en McDonaldeilanden, Honduras, Hong Kong 香港, Hongarije, IJsland, Ierland, India, Indonesië, Irak, Iran, Isle of Man, Israël, Italië, Ivoorkust, Jamaica, Japan, Jemen, Jersey, Jordanië, Kaaimaneilanden, Kaapverdië, Kameroen, Kazachstan, Kenia, Kirgizië, Kiribati, Kleine afgelegen eilanden van de Verenigde Staten, Koeweit, Kroatië, Laos, Lesotho, Letland, Libanon, Liberia, Libië, Liechtenstein, Litouwen, Luxemburg, Macau 澳門, Macedonië, Madagaskar, Malawi, Maldiven, Maleisië, Mali, Malta, Marokko, Marshalleilanden, Martinique, Mauritanië, Mauritius, Mayotte, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldavië, Monaco, Mongolië, Montenegro, Montserrat, Mozambique, Myanmar (Birma), Namibië, Nauru, Nederland, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nieuw-Caledonië, Nieuw-Zeeland, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Noord-Korea, Noordelijke Marianen, Noorwegen, Norfolk, Oeganda, Oekraïne, Oezbekistan, Oman, Oost-Timor, Oostenrijk, Pakistan, Palau, Palestijnse gebieden, Panama, Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Pitcairneilanden, Polen, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Roemenië, Rusland, Rwanda, Réunion, Saint Kitts en Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent en de Grenadines, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre en Miquelon, Salomonseilanden, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tomé en Principe, Saoedi-Arabië, Senegal, Servië, Seychellen, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Sint-Helena, Sint-Maarten, Slovenië, Slowakije, Soedan, Somalië, Spanje, Spitsbergen en Jan Mayen, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Syrië, Tadzjikistan, Taiwan 台湾, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Trinidad en Tobago, Tsjaad, Tsjechië, Tunesië, Turkije, Turkmenistan, Turks- en Caicoseilanden, Tuvalu, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Vaticaanstad, Venezuela, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Verenigde Arabische Emiraten, Verenigde Staten, Vietnam, Wallis en Futuna, Westelijke Sahara, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Zuid-Afrika, Zuid-Georgia en Zuidelijke Sandwicheilanden, Zuid-Korea, Zuid-Soedan, Zweden, Zwitserland, Åland


((excl. btw, invoerrechten en vracht))

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Krijg productondersteuning

Our Nio Color 2MP display is part of a range of modern radiology monitors that gives you what you need. No fluff, no overload of functionalities. But a sleek thin bezel design and just those tools and technologies that help you process cases effortlessly and efficiently.


A radiology monitor that fits your daily reading like a glove

Nio 2MP offers you exactly those tools that will make a difference. It boasts no less than 701 JNDs, so you can read detailed images with confidence. Its high luminance, I-Guard and Uniform Luminance technologies offer you a bright and stable screen quality. And the display also contains our SteadyColor and SteadyGray technologies for stable colors and grays. In any imaging modality.


Clean desk, clear head

All of the above is built into an elegant design with thin bezels that fits both your hospital, and your home office desks. Moreover, you can rotate your Nio 2MP monitor between portrait and landscape format. Combine it in multi-head arrangements, two or three or four heads, neatly arranged in an arc embracing you.


A bright future

With Nio 2MP, you get a stable performance and a complete, industry-leading 5-year warranty that guarantees 20,000 backlight hours. Furthermore, our unique set of Intuitive Workflow Tools offers you a series of productivity hacks for more focus, flexibility and comfort. For example, did you know that SpotView has been proven to decrease reading time with no less than 15.5%? In short: you can rest easy with this young companion. For many years to come.


Always a clear view with QAWeb Enterprise

QAWeb Enterprise helps you manage quality and assure compliance of your expanding healthcare enterprise with less effort, lower cost, and complete confidence. This fully automated and secure system supports consistent image quality, stable performance and uptime for all PACS display systems across your enterprise. You can install QAWeb Enterprise for free on all our diagnostic and clinical review displays.


Ensuring diagnostic confidence with MDR Class IIa

Our radiology displays are MDR-certified as Class IIa. Their product information has been reviewed and cleared by independent medical and technical experts, and is audited yearly. In other words, we ensure diagnostic confidence and peace of mind for our users.

A++ ecolabel for Nio Color 2MP 

The Nio Color 2MP has been subjected to Barco’s ecoscoring protocol and has received an A++ rating. Some key factors that contributed to this rating are:

  • High energy efficiency: 43% better than predecessor 
  • 100% halogen-free cables, PCBs & plastic parts >25g 
  • 84% recycled cardboard packaging 
  • Unpainted housing 
  • Enclosure uses plastics compatible for recycling 

Algemene specificaties
Actieve schermgroote (diagonaal)
541 mm (21.3")
Actieve schermgrootte (H x V)
433 x 325 mm (17.1 x 12.8")
Beeldverhouding (H:V)
2MP (1600 x 1200 pixels)
0.2707 mm
30 bit
Kijkhoek (H, V)
Yes (in MXRT display controller), when used as a system with MXRT display controller & QAWeb Enterprise
Yes (in MXRT display controller), when used as a system with MXRT display controller & QAWeb Enterprise
Voorinstellingen voor omgevingslicht
Yes, reading room selection
Backlight Output Stabilization (BLOS)
Sensor vooraan
Yes, I-Guard
Maximale luminantie (typisch paneel)
1000 cd/m²
DICOM-gekalibreerde luminantie
600 cd/m²
Contrastverhouding (paneeltypisch)
Reactietijd ((Tr + Tf)/2) (typisch)
12 ms (gray-to-gray average)
Kleur behuizing
Black (RAL 9004) / White (RAL 9003)
2x DisplayPort 1.4
2x USB-B 2.0 upstream (endpoint)
5x USB-A 2.0 downstream (of which 1 charge port)
Nominaal vermogen
24 VDC, 4 A
This device shall only be powered by the medical approved power supply of Adapter Technology Co., Ltd., type ATM160T-P240.
Ratings marked on the power supply:
  • Input: 100-240 VAC, 1.8-0.9 A, 50-60 Hz
  • Output: 24 VDC, 6.6 A
37 W (nominal)
< 0.35 W (hibernate)
< 0.30 W (switched off)
Afmetingen incl. steun (B x H x D)
Portrait: 351 x 531~631 x 225 mm
Landscape: 491 x 462~562 x 225 mm
Afmetingen zonder steun (B x H x D)
Portrait: 351 x 491 x 64 mm
Landscape: 491 x 351 x 64 mm
Afmetingen verpakt (B x H x D)
455 x 210 x 770 mm
Nettogewicht met steun
MDNC-2521 xPxx: 8.8 kg
MDNC-2521 xNxx: 7.7 kg
Nettogewicht zonder standaard
MDNC-2521 xPxx: 5.8 kg
MDNC-2521 xNxx: 4.7 kg
Nettogewicht verpakt
MDNC-2521 xPxx: 12.2 kg (without optional accessories)
MDNC-2521 xNxx: 11.2 kg (without optional accessories)
-10° to +30°
-30° to +30°
Bereik hoogteverstelling
100 mm
Montage standaard
VESA (100 mm)
MDNC-2521 xPxx: Protective, anti-reflective front glass
MDNC-2521 xNxx: N/A
Aanbevolen modaliteiten
All digital images, except digital mammography
CE0123 (Medical Device)
FDA 510(k) K230520
CCC (China), KC (Korea), BSMI (Taiwan), INMETRO (Brazil - Product numbers K9300380A1X, K9300381A1X), BIS (India), EAC (Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan)
Safety specific:
  • IEC 60950-1:2005+A1:2009+A2:2013
  • EN 60950-1:2006+A1:2010+A11:2009+A12:2011+A2:2013
  • IEC 62368-1:2018
  • EN IEC 62368-1:2020+A11:2020
  • IEC 60601-1:2005+A1:2012+A2:2020
  • EN 60601-1:2006+A1:2013+A12:2014+A2:2021
  • AAMI ES 60601-1:2005+A1:2012+A2:2021
  • CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-1:2014 (Reaffirmed 2022)
EMI specific
  • IEC 60601-1-2:2014+A1:2020 (Ed.4.1)
  • EN 60601-1-2:2015+A1:2021 (Ed.4.1)
  • FCC part 15 Class B
  • ICES-001 Level B
  • VCCI (Japan)
EU RoHS, China RoHS, REACH, Canada Health, WEEE, Packaging Directive
Meegeleverde accessoires
  • User Guide
  • Documentation disc
  • System sheet
  • Video cables
  • Mains cable(s)
  • USB cable
  • External power supply
Optionele accessoires
Display controller
QAWeb Enterprise
5 years, including 20000 hours backlight warranty
0 °C to 35 °C (20 °C to 30 °C within specs)
-20 °C to 60 °C
Luchtvochtigheid bedrijf
8 % to 80 % (non-condensing)
Luchtvochtigheid opslag
5 % to 85 % (non-condensing)
70 kPa
50 to 106 kPa

EssentialCare for Diagnostic imaging

Protect your clinical efficiency

  • Assure your display's quality and compliance
  • Benefit from proactive, data driven support
  • Avoid downtime with upfront replacements

ConnectCare for Diagnostic imaging

Get the very best out of your investment

Extend your diagnostic display fleet's lifetime and enjoy optimal performance

  • Extended 7-year warranty with premium swap service
  • Expert support in monitoring & optimizing your fleet
  • Strategic insights to maximize your diagnostic display investment

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