Disclosure in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 2 May 2007: Transparency law
Gereglementeerde informatie
Kortrijk, 16 October 2013. Barco NV discloses the information required under article 15, § 1 of the Law of 2 May 2007 regarding the disclosure of important shareholdings in listed companies.
Information as on 30 September 2013
- Total outstanding capital: 55,526,809.00 euro (55,526,809.00 as on 20.09.2013)
- Total number of outstanding ordinary shares: 12,987,160 (12,987,160 as on 20.09.2013)
- Total number of outstanding warrants: 213,672 (214,472 as on 20.09.2013
Exercising warrants results in the creation of the same number of shares leading to an equal number of voting rights.
- Total number of outstanding stock options: 273,905 (273,905 as on 20.09.2013)
Reason for the changes
A number of warrants can no longer be exercised because they have expired.
According to Barco’s bylaws, the first threshold as from which a shareholding needs to be disclosed, is set at 3%.
Notifications of important shareholdings under the Law of 2 May 2007 or Barco’s bylaws, must be sent to LegalRiskCompliance@barco.com
This information will be posted on www.barco.com/investors
About Barco
Barco, a global technology company, designs and develops visualization products for a variety of selected professional markets. Barco has its own facilities for Sales & Marketing, Customer Support, R&D and Manufacturing in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific. Barco (NYSE Euronext Brussels: BAR) is active in more than 90 countries with more than 3,900 employees worldwide. Barco posted sales of 1.156 billion euro in 2012.
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