
Transparency declaration by Alantra: Downward crossing

Gereglementeerde informatie

Disclosure in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 2 May 2007: Transparency law

Kortrijk, Belgium, 23 March 2023, 18.30 hrs – Alantra EQMC Asset Management SGIIC, S.A., Madrid - Spain, has notified Barco NV (Euronext: BAR; Reuters: BARBt.BR; Bloomberg: BAR BB) that by virtue of the sale of shares, it has crossed the statutory threshold of 3%.

Content of the notification from 22 March 2023:

Categories of notification

Results of the received form

Reason for notification

Acquisition or disposal of voting securities or voting rights

Downward crossing of the lowest threshold

Notification by

A person that notifies alone

Persons subject to the notification requirement

Alantra EQMC Asset Management SGIIC, S.A. José Ortega y Gasset 29, 28006 Madrid, Spain

Date on which the threshold is crossed


Threshold that is crossed




Notified details

Previous notification: #of voting rights: 3,328,066

After the transaction: # of voting rights: 2,784,657

After the transaction: % of voting rights: 2.997%

Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the holding is effectively held, if applicable

Alantra EQMC Asset Management SGIIC, S.A. ("Alantra EQMC") is a subsidiary of the Alantra Group: (i) directly controlled by Alantra Investment Managers, S.L. ("Alantra IM"), owner of 60% of share capital and voting rights of Alantra EQMC, and (ii) indirectly controlled by Alantra Partners, S.A., owner of 80% of Alantra IM. Alantra Partners is the parent company of the Alantra Group, and it is a listed entity whose shares are admitted to trading in the Spanish Stock Exchange, in the Stock Exchange of Madrid and Barcelona. No natural person has directly or indirectly more than 25% of the voting rights of Alantra EQMC, Alantra IM nor Alantra Partners.

Alantra EQMC is the investment manager that can exercise the voting rights at its discretion in the absence of specific instructions.

Additional information

Alantra EQMC Asset Management SGIIC, S.A. fulfills the criteria to make use of the exemption to aggregation of holdings in accordance with Article 11 of the Transparency Law and Article 21 of the Transparency Decree.

Please note that the form displays 3% of the voting rights in section 10), while the actual percentage is 2,997%. This is due to the rounding of the form.

About Barco
Barco is a global company with headquarters in Kortrijk (Belgium). Our visualization and collaboration technology helps professionals accelerate innovation in the healthcare and enterprise and entertainment markets. We count over 3,000 visioneers, whose passion for technology is captured in over 500 unique patents.
Barco is a listed company (Euronext: BAR; Reuters: BARBt.BR; Bloomberg: BAR BB) and realized sales of 1,058 million euro in 2022.
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Willem Fransoo

Willem Fransoo

Director Investor Relations

+32 56 26 23 22