Barco helps TBS take its new broadcasting headquarters to the next level in AV excellence
Seoul, KR - 2016
To fulfillits overarching goal of sustainable broadcasting, South Korean current affairsand lifestyle broadcaster TBS relocated to a brand new building in Seoul. Hoton the heels of this move was a push to upgrade its audiovisual capability –with an excellent video wall backdrop as the first step.
TBS choseBarco as its video wall supplier for two reasons: full HD native resolutionwith stunning image quality, and our Sense5 brightness and color matchingtechnology. The new headquarters is now home to a 3x2 configuration of Barco OverView MVL-721LED-lit display units driven by the Barco TransForm ECU-200 high resolution video wallcontroller. By choosing leading-edge Barco display technology, TBS is poisedfor a bright future in broadcast television.
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