
Dispatching on-the-go ensures security during Flemish cycling classic

Harelbeke, BE - 2017

If you are a cycling race enthusiast, then Flanders definitely is the place to be in the months of March and April. For weeks on end, the world’s road racing heroes compete on iconic hilltops and cobblestoned streets… The E3 Record Bank race is one of the openers to the cycling season. Barco was on the front row, both in 2016 and in 2017.

Barco solution

  • OpSpace solution
  • 4x2 video wall
  • Transform N 
  • CMS 

Why Barco? 

  • Efficiency

From classroom to control room
In 2016, we teamed up with INNOS (the new Belgian Innovation Center for Security), the Local Police Force of Gavers, and private security expert Securitas to convert a local classroom in Harelbeke into a temporary control room. As the set-up truly improved efficiency and decision-making during the race, we were invited to do the 2017 race too. Just like in 2016, we equipped the classroom with our networked visualization and collaboration platform, including a 4 x 2 Barco video wall, TransForm N and CMS, which we completed with our new OpSpace workspace solution.

Real-time view
The set-up captured images from fixed and mobile CCTV cameras, the police helicopter and – a first during cycling races – a drone, in addition to feeds from social media and the public broadcasting TV station. That information was then combined into relevant layouts, distributed and visualized on the video wall or exchanged with remote security teams. In this way, event organizers, police forces, emergency services and Securitas all had a real-time view of what was happening along the route.

Smooth, speedy communications

While Greg Van Avermaet won the race, Barco, INNOS, Police Force of Gavers, and Securitas felt like winners too, as everything went incredibly smoothly. “By monitoring everything centrally, in one location, it becomes much easier and faster to communicate with everyone involved and take decisions,” said Jean Louis Dalle, Chief of Police of Gavers.
By monitoring everything centrally it becomes much easier and faster to communicate with everyone involved and take decisions.

Jean Louis Dalle

Chief of Police of Local Police Force Gavers

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