
Barco Nio 5MP LED Medical Displays: “The best medical diagnostic-grade displays”

Jakarta, ID · 2018

The Radiology staff at the RSPI Puri Indah hospital were impressed with the Barco Nio 2MP Grayscale displays. In fact, they were impressed for the entire nine-year period they were using the displays. It was only at this point that the brightness of the blacklight began to wane. When they decided to replace the Nio 2MP displays, the Radiology department had no doubt that Barco was the way to go.

Barco solution

  • Barco MDNG-5221 Nio 5MP Grayscale displays
  • Barco MDCC-4330 Coronis Fusion 4MP display

Why Barco ?

  • The best medical diagnostic displays
  • Clear and detailed
  • Just what the doctor ordered

The best medical diagnostic grade displays

“Our hospital only wants to use the best medical diagnostic-grade displays,” says Dr. Rahmi Alfiah Nur Alam, Sp.Rad (K-RA). “In other words: Barco. In the Radiology department, we rely on our displays for diagnoses. We only want the best.”

The Radiology department upgraded to two Barco MDNG-5221 Nio 5MP Grayscale displays and one Barco MDCC-4330 Coronis Fusion 4MP display set up for patient diagnoses. Mammography, CT and MRI scans are all presented in a crystal-clear resonance on the new displays.

Clear and detailed

The upgrade from the Nio 2MP to the Nio 5MP has obviously delivered a much greater level of detail, vital for recognizing and examining any abnormalities in an image. At the same time, the Coronis Fusion 4MP offers best-in-class image quality, with high brightness and a high contrast ratio that work together to present even the subtlest of details. “The clarity of the displays is excellent,” says Dr. Rahmi Alfiah Nur Alam, Sp.Rad (K-RA). “They are so clear, it makes diagnoses faster and more accurate.”

Just what the doctor ordered

The image quality is not all that has impressed Dr. Kanovnegara, Sp.Rad., BMedSci, also from the Radiology department. “We often talk about how light pollution from elsewhere makes it more difficult to focus on the details of what we’re actually looking at. Barco have responded to this issue.”

Dim View automatically reduces the brightness of a non-diagnostic screen when the mouse cursor moves across to the diagnostic screen. SpotView allows users to increase the luminance for a particular area of an image, while dimming the surrounding areas, making it easier to focus on any point of interest.

“This makes it easier on my eyes,” says Dr. Kanovnegara, Sp.Rad., BMedSci. “It’s just what the doctor ordered.”

Our hospital uses the best medical diagnostic-grade displays. Barco.

Dr. Rahmi Alfiah Nur Alam

Sp.Rad (K-RA)-Radiology department, RSPI Puri Indah hospital

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