Time and money saver: online calibration and QA of medical devices (VIDEO)
Gesundheitswesen · Medizinische Monitore · Lesezeit 0 min.
In today’s healthcare system, radiologists need DICOM-quality images to make critical diagnostic decisions, no matter where they are. That’s why we developed MediCal QAWeb.
Uninterrupted workflow
MediCal QAWeb is the only truly web-based software solution for intervention-free calibration and Quality Assurance on your PACS displays - and mobile tablets!
One URL, many benefits
Installed in thousands of hospitals, MediCal QAWeb has proven to deliver greater operational efficiency and significant cost-savings.How? Remote installation, automatic compliance checks, auto-healing, and – most importantly – one URL to log in, from anywhere!
MediCal QAWeb stats
- +40,000 displays managed remotely
- 15,000 new displays per year
- 2.5 million QA tests per day
- 72,000 user logins per year
- 100,000 QA & calibration operations per hour
- 3 quality measurements per second