AED Display expands its rental stock with Barco LiveDots’ C5 LED tiles
LED · Lesezeit 0 min.
This past week, Dutch customers of Barco distributor AED Display were invited to discover the latest products in the AED offering – and then network and party - during the group’s annual Customer Nights. On 12 and 13 December next, AED Display will unveil its newcomers to its Belgian clients. New highlights in the portfolio include Barco’s latest generation of ultra-bright projectors, which AED Display acquired in July, and the Barco LiveDots’ C5 LED tiles, 650 units of which have been added to the rental stack just recently.
The C5 LED display, a member of Barco's successful C-series, offers outstanding image quality and ease of use when combined with Barco's renowned DX based image processing. Its low need for maintenance and limited thickness also make it ideal for fixed installations. AED Display truly believes the tiles are setting a new standard in the rental market.
“The C5 is great value for money. The price can really compete against similar products with much lower quality and support levels,” said Thierry Heldenbergh, AED Display’s CEO. “We love its low weight, silent operation, low power consumption and support levels.” AED Display already used the C5 newcomer at a series of events over the past few months. “If we see a large buy-in from the market, we might quickly purchase more of them,” Heldenbergh added.
Want to discover the new C5 tiles and Barco’s bright HDX- and HDQ-projectors? Register now for upcoming AED Customer Nights in Belgium, on 12 and 13 December: www.aedrent.com/i/CNBE-19.