How to select a diagnostic display
Diagnostische Bildgebung · Medizinische Monitore · Lesezeit 0 min.
Choosing the right diagnostic display involves more than technical decisions. It also requires a thorough assessment of the display's performance in terms of productivity, workflow and ergonomics.
In Medical Imaging Technology magazine*, Geert Carrein - VP strategic marketing diagnostic imaging at Barco - discusses the latest advancements in display technology and how these can influence the selection process.
6 tips for selecting the right monitor:
1. Overall image quality (brightness, contrast, viewing angle) is paramount.
2. Image stabilisation sensors are a must.
3. High-precision front of screen photometers must be used to perform quality assurance (QA).
4. Uniformity correction improves diagnostic image accuracy.
5. Automated, centralised quality QA provides many benefits and savings.
6. Only look at medical displays that meet your imaging study needs.
*Article published in Medical Imaging Technology magazine, No. 11 2013