Barco LiveDots' C5 LED plays a starring role in “The Internship”
LED Lesezeit 0 min.
Movie fans will not only be entertained with star performances in the newest comedy from Twentieth Century Fox and Regency Enterprises, “The Internship,” they’ll see the LiveDots C5 LED delivering a command performance in three different movie sets. From a dark nightclub venue to a bright daylight, window-flanked dining hall set, the C5 presented brilliant imagery, and allowed technicians to adjust screen brightness, color and contrast on the fly to meet every need.
The precision-engineered tile design also allowed for straight-forward, quick installation and configuration, and then for a speedy removal at wrap. The LiveDots C5 LED is featured prominently throughout “The Internship,” and viewers with a keen eye will even see the Barco logo on the screen or platform.