
Cinemark and Barco join forces to revolutionize today’s audio cinematic experience

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“After independently testing both commercially available immersive cinema sound solutions, it became abundantly clear that Auro 11.1 provides the best complement to the Cinemark XD experience. We firmly believe that the fullness and richness of Auro’s height layer, coupled with the discreetness of the future and open standard object-based capabilities supported by Auro, will make for the best movie going experience possible,” said Damian Wardle, Vice President of Worldwide Theatres Technology & Presentation at Cinemark. “It’s backward and forward compatibility with existing cinema audio systems, in addition to the ease and economy regarding both implementation and operation, are also critical elements.”

Cinemark’s commitment to Barco and the Auro sound format will help drive adoption of the “open format” approach to playing back immersive cinema sound, protecting exhibitor’s freedom of platform choice and ensuring their ability to play any movie regardless of the authoring system used to create it.

Through its dedication to providing patrons with a superior movie going experience in its Extreme Digital (XD) auditoriums, Cinemark Inc. sees immersive cinema audio as the logical next step. Deploying Barco’s immersive sound system in Cinemark’s more than 150 premium XD auditoriums, Auro 11.1 will become the worldwide market leader in immersive cinema audio systems for the movie exhibition industry. It will begin the worldwide deployment this year in all of its “tier one” markets, starting with North America.

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