
Barco and Cinema 21 Group bring laser projection to Indonesia and Asia Pacific

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Barco and Cinema 21 Group — the largest exhibition and distribution giant in Indonesia — are bringing laser projection to Asia Pacific! Today, Barco’s ultra-bright DP4K-60L laser cinema projector will be installed at Cinema 21’s auditorium. The goal is to get a proper understanding of the projector’s workings in preparation for an extensive rollout in the near future.

Lasers in Las Vegas

Operating more than 800 screens in 33 cities dotted across the Indonesian archipelago, the Cinema 21 Group is one of the fastest-growing exhibition and distribution giants in the APAC region. Always eager to be one step ahead of the competition, the group was looking into laser projection as a way to drive business in the region.

At the CinemaCon trade fair in Las Vegas (US), a delegation of Cinema 21 discovered Barco’s DP4K-60L: a top-of-the-line laser cinema projector that brings brilliant brightness levels and cutting-edge image quality to large screens. “We are confident that this technology has the potential to further drive our business,” says Suryo Suherman, president at Cinema 21 Group.  

Tried and trusted

What certainly helped in making the decision was the fact that Cinema 21 had been working with Barco products and technology for a long time now. Over the past few years, the Indonesian group had already deployed more than 600 Barco digital cinema projectors, as well as media servers and image processing products. Suryo Suherman: “Barco’s consistent quality and innovative spirit were decisive for us to introduce laser projection in the APAC region.”

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