InfoComm 2023: Who was the best of the show? Barco was the best of the show!
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Let’s start with saying thanks for a great and successful InfoComm 2023 to all of you! And while our sore feet and aching backs are recovering from the busy tradeshow days, we’d like to share the amazing news that our products were lauded with a number of show awards. The brand-new G50 projector, our TruePix direct-view LED video wall and the latest ClickShare Conference CX-50 2nd generation were all recognized by the juries as highlights of InfoComm 2023.
The InfoComm launch of the three new G50 projectors expands our G-series smart line offering to ten single-chip DLP laser projectors with brightness between 6 and 22K lumens. Its affordable price point, coupled with its compact size and powerful blending performance, impressed many InfoComm attendees.
So, we were excited by the recognition by Projector Central, who handed over a Best of Show award to our G50 guys. Rob Sabin, editor-in-chief of ProjectorCentral.com, writes the following praising words about G50 launch: “Barco's reputation for build quality, reliability and service are legendary, but you might be quick to dismiss them for everyday installs that don't demand one of the huge workhorse projectors the company is best known for. The new G50 series should go a long way toward changing that impression.”
TruePix makes a lasting impression
Our flagship direct view LED video wall solution TruePix was launched at InfoComm 2022, but continues to make a great impression. For the second year in a row, the product managed to take home the AV technology Best of Show award. The jury continues to be impressed by the innovative mounting structure that ensures a precise installation in any environment, by the amazing image quality (even when dimmed to 10%), and the extremely high level of reliability.
Hattrick for ClickShare
ClickShare brings home no less than 3 awards after an amazing show at InfoComm. A Best of Show award from AV technology for the newest ClickShare Conference CX-50 2nd generation as the ideal match for a premium user experience in high-impact meeting rooms. The decision of a professional jury was matched by the audience of customers & AV specialists with a rAVe Reader’s Choice award as Favorite New UCC Product of 2023.
ClickShare still leads the way as preferred wireless collaboration solution. We feel the love thanks to the additional rAVe Reader’s Choice award as Favorite BYOD Brand of 2023.
rAVe Publications stopped by at our InfoComm booth, and created some videos on the key highlights. All these videos are bundled on this page.