Challenge #1 in radiology imaging: how to work more productively?
Einblicke · Radiologie · Lesezeit 0 min.
Every year, radiologists are confronted with a growing demand for imaging exams, resulting in more as well as more complex imaging studies. Display technology that helps users harness productivity and work more efficiently is essential.
#1. Use a monitor that allows viewing of different modalities, in grayscale and in color, on a single screen. This eliminates the need to change workstations or displays.
#2. A large display form factor enables flexible positioning of multiple images with fewer image manipulations.
#3. Displays with high calibrated light and image-enhancing features lead to faster detection of subtle details.
#4. Displays with built-in features that automate routine tasks – such as Barco’s tools for an intuitive workflow – make reading more efficient, aiding faster diagnosis.
#5. Pick a system including software for automated QA & calibration with no interruptions to the radiologist’s workflow.
#6. Displays with high-speed controllers that quickly load the images and keep them in focus present an uninterrupted workflow.
#7. Invest in a display system that has proven to increase reading productivity.