This certification training on ClickShare, explains the product towards functionality, market value, how to sell, basic setup, configuration, and management.

This certification training on ClickShare explains the product towards functionality, market value, how to sell, basic setup, configuration, and management.


  • Market value and positioning
  • ClickShare introduction
  • Portfolio Features & demonstrations
  • Setup & Configuration possibilities
  • Management
Target Audience

Sales professionals




At the end of the class, the students will be able to sell, know the product market value, understand basic set-up/configuration, and how to management the ClickShare environment.

AVIXA CTS RU points to be earned: 1

Von Barco zertifizierter Experte

Barco Certified Sales Professional for ClickShare
Weitere Informationen
Schulungsformat: Klasseninterne Schulung
Dauer: 2 hrs
Preis: Free of charge
Gesprochene Sprache: en

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Dieses Training qualifiziert für Avixa CTS RU-Punkte