Test your basic networking knowledge.

This networking assessment contains 30 questions covering basic networking topics. It should provide the participant with an indication of his or her networking knowledge.
It also provides an indication of which networking topics are covered and which knowledge level is required and expected, so that participants can make the most of the Barco product trainings like ClickShare, Overture and WeConnect, which are all based on networking technology.

Target Audience

Anyone who is interested in subscribing to Barco product training related to Clickshare, AV control Overture and/or WeConnect certification programs, and who needs to evaluate his or her networking knowledge.

Evaluate your basic networking knowledge. If you score less than 70% at this assessment, we strongly recommend that you join our 1 day Networking Essential training program just before the dedicated Barco product training.
This class does not result in a certification.
Weitere Informationen
Schulungsformat: E-Learning
Dauer: 60 minutes
Preis: FOC
Gesprochene Sprache: en

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