
Recruitment and Selection Privacy Statement

LRC-TE-0041 V6 November 2022

Your privacy is important to us. This is the Recruitment & Selection Privacy Statement of Barco NV and its subsidiaries (“Barco”). Barco NV is a public limited liability company incorporated under Belgian law, with registered office at President Kennedypark 35, 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium.

Barco strongly believes in protecting the privacy of the personal data provided to us. We also believe it is important to inform all applicants about how we will use their personal data.

This Recruitment & Selection Privacy Statement describes how Barco handles and protects your personal data in connection with Barco’s recruitment & selection process.

This Recruitment & Selection Privacy Statement can be modified, e.g. as a result of new functionalities on the website that require the processing of personal data. We thus advise you to check this Recruitment & Selection Privacy Statement regularly on https://jobs.barco.com/. Any major changes will be announced via our homepage.

This policy should be read together with Barco’s cookie policy.

1.    When does this Recruitment & Selection Privacy Statement apply?

This Recruitment & Selection Privacy Statement applies to the processing of personal data of job applicants whether they apply via the website or via another channel (e.g. by mail, at a job fair …). It does not apply to our employees, consultants or contractors.

2.    Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

Barco is the party responsible for the processing of your personal data. This means that Barco determines for what purposes and with what means your personal data will be processed.

Barco has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) who will be your point of contact for any questions or requests regarding the processing of your personal data. The contact details of the DPO can be found under point 10 of this Recruitment & Selection Privacy Statement.

3.    Which personal data do we process about you?

We collect your personal data in two ways:

i)      Information provided by you

We process personal data directly from you when you apply for a job with us via the Barco Recruitment Website (https://jobs.barco.com/) or otherwise. In this case, we usually receive information  such as your first name, last name, e-mail address, telephone number, title, address details (street, number, postal code, city, country), date and place of birth, work and educational history, achievements and test results.

ii)     Information obtained from third parties

We may also receive personal data about you from third parties, such as your references, prior employers, assessment centres, recruitment agencies, LinkedIn, Barco employees present during your interview.

4.    For what purposes do we process your personal data and what is the legal basis for processing?

Barco will process your personal data for recruitment & selection purposes only as explained below.

The processing of your personal data for recruitment & selection purposes is based either on

  • your consent, e.g. if you sign up for Barco Job Alerts
  • your request to take steps prior to entering into a contract, e.g. if you send us your application or if you register on our jobsite 
  • Barco’s legitimate human resources reasons including:
    • identifying, screening and evaluating applicants for potential employment;
    • recordkeeping in relation to recruiting and hiring;
    • ensuring compliance with legal requirements, including without being limited to security requirements to be met as known consignor and diversity and inclusion requirements and practices;
    • conducting criminal history checks if permitted by applicable law and
    • protecting our legal rights to the extent authorized or permitted by law and in
    • emergency situations where the health or safety of one or more individuals may be endangered.

When creating a candidate profile on our jobsite, you will be able to choose one of the  3 options: 

  • to make your profile visible to all Barco recruiters and hiring managers internationally: this allows Barco recruiters to share your profile internationally and to contact you to present new job opportunities in your country of residence or abroad;
  • to limit visibility to all Barco recruiters and hiring managers located in your country of residence: in this case Barco recruiters can only share your profile and contact you with job opportunities within your country of residence and not abroad; or
  • to limit the visibility of your profile to the recruiting team of a specific job application: Barco recruiters will not be able to view your profile and to contact you with (future) job opportunities, other than the ones you apply for yourself. 

5.    Who has access to your personal data?

Access to your personal data is limited to Barco employees who are involved in the recruitment & selection process.

Barco is selective in the parties to whom it discloses your personal data and chooses them carefully. In all cases, we will ensure that sufficient safeguards for the protection and confidentiality of your data are in place.

To operate as a global business and to promote an applicant’s career within Barco, Barco can share your personal data with other companies associated with Barco only when you chose the option of international or national visibility while creating a candidate profile on our jobsite as mentioned above 

Barco’s careers & recruitment jobsite (https://jobs.barco.com/) offers you the opportunity to apply online. We use a specific recruitment software system. In addition, Barco calls upon third parties such as assessment centres and recruitment agencies to assist Barco in its recruitment & selection process. 

Personal information is not sold by Barco within the meaning of the CCPA. 

In this respect, Barco is committed to always ensuring an adequate and sufficient level of protection for your data regardless of where the data are transferred or accessed. Barco requires these third parties to provide at least a comparable level of protection as Barco provides, to keep your personal data confidential, to only process your personal data for the purposes for which it was disclosed and to only access the minimum amount of data they need to provide a specific service related to the recruitment & selection process. For transfers of personal data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) Barco relies on the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission.

If you have any questions or would like more information about the transfer of your personal data outside the EEA or the sharing of your data with a third party, you can send an email to dataprotection@barco.com.

6.    What about links to other websites and social media?

The website of Barco or e-mails you receive can contain references (e.g. via hyperlinks) to other websites, which are offered by other companies or by social media. Barco is not responsible for the processing of personal data via these websites. Barco advices you to check the privacy policies of these websites. 

If you share content from the Barco website via social media, your personal data will be visible for the visitors of these social media. Barco is not responsible for the processing of personal data via these social media. Barco advices you to check the privacy policies of these websites. This privacy policy applies only to the Barco websites. 

7.    How long do we keep your personal data?

If you accept an offer of employment by us, any relevant personal data collected during your pre-employment period will become part of your personnel records and will be retained in accordance with specific country requirements. 

Your personal data will be kept in our database for a term of 365 days, counting from the last activity date in your candidate profile. After 365 days of inactivity, your personal data will be removed automatically; except for candidates registered in Germany and USA, their personal data will be removed automatically after 6 months of inactivity in Germany and 3 years of inactivity in the USA.

You have the right to erase your personal data at any time (see below, section 10). However, if you remove your candidate profile via jobs.barco.com or request to erase your personal data after your application has been moved to the ‘unsuccessful status’ (your withdrawal or rejection by Barco), your personal data as US applicant will kept by Barco for two years to ensure Barco’s compliance with non-discrimination regulations. 

If you signed up for Barco Job Alerts, we will keep you informed about possible other employment opportunities. To unsubscribe from our Job Alert mailings, you can do so by accessing your candidate profile via our jobsite, go to the ‘options’ section and delete the job alert(s). You can also contact our DPO at any time for more information (see point 10 of the Recruitment & Selection Privacy Statement in connection with your right to object).

8.    What cookies does Barco use?

This Recruitment & Selection Privacy Statement must be read in conjunction with Barco’s cookie policy.

9.    How are your personal data protected?

Barco strives to protect your personal data by means of technical and organisational measures, such as firewalls and secure servers that may only be accessed by a limited number of persons holding special access rights and who undertake to respect and maintain its confidential nature.

Despite these measures, due care should be taken when storing and/or sharing your personal data and login, particularly when connecting via unsecure or public networks.

10. What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

You have a number of rights with regard to your personal data, such as the right of access, the right to rectification of inaccurate personal data, the right to erasure or restriction of processing, the right to data portability, the right not to be subject to profiling and the right to object to the processing. Some of these rights have a very specific scope or are subject to special conditions or exceptions. Please contact our DPO for any questions or requests regarding the processing of your personal data (dataprotection@barco.com).

If the processing of your data is based on consent, you also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without this affecting the legitimacy of the processing done prior to the withdrawal of your consent. You can do so by accessing your candidate profile via our jobsite, go to the ‘search options and privacy’ section, click on ‘data privacy statement’ and then click on ‘revoke’. You can also send an e-mail to dataprotection@barco.com. Barco cannot process your request without proof of your identity.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority of your habitual residence, your place of work or the place of an alleged infringement. The Belgian Data Protection Authority is the supervisory authority for Belgium and can be contacted at contact@apd-gba.be.

Under the CCPA, you have the right to request a disclosure of the personal information Barco has collected about you during the prior 12 months, to request deletion of your personal information, to request a disclosure of your personal information Barco has sold or shared with third parties during the prior 12 months, or to seek information from Barco about your rights under the CCPA.  To exercise any of these rights or ask additional questions, you may email dataprotection@barco.com, or send a letter to our U.S. office at : 

Barco, Inc. 
3059 Premiere Parkway, Suite 400
Duluth, GA 30097

If you have any further questions or complaints about the processing of your personal data, about this Recruitment & selection privacy statement you can always contact us:

  • by e-mail at dataprotection@barco.com
  • by phone at the number +32 56 26 2215 
  • by mail to
    Barco – Data Protection Officer
    Beneluxpark 21
    8500 Kortrijk, Belgium