Oslo Opera Theater keeps relying on Barco to stage amazing shows
Oslo, NO · 2018
Barco solution
- HDX-W20 FLEX projectors
- HDF-W30 LP FLEX projector
Why Barco?
- Flexible
- Reliable
- Image quality
Hence, upon opening in 2008, the Opera House installed six advanced Barco projectors to generate backdrops for musical performances. Four years later, they purchased two compact Barco HDX-W14 DLP projectors, augmenting their existing stack, which were later upgraded to HDX-W20 FLEX units. The projectors lent great assistance during the very first 3D mapping onto moving objects – a real first back in 2012! – and have been performing faultlessly ever since. Over the years, the venue purchased three more HDX-W20 FLEX projectors.
Staying at the forefront of technology
In line with its commitment to ‘be at the forefront of technology at any given time’ – its unofficial motto – the Oslo Opera House keeps investing in new Barco technology. “Barco solutions are flexible, reliable and ensure excellent image quality,” explains Nicolai Nishino-Ekeberg, Head of Light, Sound and Video. “That’s why, in late 2016, we expanded our Barco stack with an HDF-W30LP FLEX laser phosphor projector. Our designers are always looking for more light output, better image quality and they want the projectors to be configured and up and running as quickly as possible. Our latest addition helps them stage amazing shows.”
Far brighter than expected
While the HDXs are moved around and used wherever needed, the laser phosphor projector is set up in a dedicated projection room, where it is responsible for most of the forward projections. “We love the fact that its light output is much more consistent than that of regular lamp-based projectors, as there are no bulbs that lose light output over time. In fact, the laser phosphor projector has impressed every light and video designer who has used it with the tremendously bright and crisp images it delivers. It is actually far brighter than we expected of a 30k projector.”
copyright "Norma" images: Erik Berg
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