
Challenge #4 in radiology imaging: how to get the most out of your PACS system?

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For ultimate value and productive workflow, 100% uptime of your Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) workstations is ideal. An increasingly complex and robust regulatory landscape means PACS monitoring and reporting is now more important than ever.

Here's a checklist of display features that help you get the most out of your PACS system:


#1. An online service for automated,remote Quality Assurance & calibrationkeeps your display systems continuallyup and running



#2. Invest in a QA solution that is fully compatible with all types of displaysand graphics boards



#3. Pick a QA solution that monitorsdisplays across the entire healthcareenterprise to eliminate inconsistenciesacross departments and hospital sites



#4. Automated compliance withdifferent regional regulatory policiesis essential, especially when you’remanaging multiple sites and locations



#5. A QA system should includecapabilities for extensive reporting,performance follow up and budgetplanning





Meet Coronis Fusion

To tackle the issue of reading ergonomics, Barco recently upgraded its Coronis Fusion display systems. The new generation has been designed to help radiologists do more, in a better way. Click here for more information about the 4MP or 6MP version.




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