“In a hybrid environment, technology is crucial in giving all meeting participants an equal voice and making collaboration truly successful. ClickShare Conference helps increase engagement and connection between participants in hybrid meetings.”
Make everyone seen and heard
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Today we meet significantly differently than a few years ago. With hybrid meeting as the standard, the biggest challenge is making sure everyone is equally seen and heard. That’s where people-centric collaboration technology enters the room.
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How can you make sure people and content are equally seen? Dive into the facts & figures of meeting equity.
Looking for an equal seat at the hybrid table
Recent ClickShare research shows that 55% of employees worldwide are in a hybrid working pattern, switching days at home with days in the office . While we all see the value of remote working, keeping the connection between in-office and remote workers is hard. People often don’t feel part of the conversation.
1 in 3 remote meeting participants finds it difficult to speak up. 6 in 10 remote participants have trouble grabbing the attention in the meeting. People are looking for more “meeting equity”, equal opportunity to communicate, contribute and share ideas.
Some cues are hard to read remote
70% of communication is related to body language and facial expressions. Especially those non-verbal expressions are difficult to capture in hybrid meetings. That’s why 60% of workers believe that hybrid meetings are less effective. Making sure everyone can see people (and their non-verbal cues) equally good as content is crucial. It’s requested by 65% of employees.
Since 2019, Barco has measured how people perceive the quality of meetings, with the Meeting Barometer. In 2019 the score was +63. During the pandemic, it dropped to -38, slightly picking up to -32 in the recent research.
Still the overall sentiment is negative. 60% experience technical challenges when joining hybrid meetings: audio is not working properly, sharing content and booking a room are hard and people don’t know which cable to use.
Technology saves the day
If the hybrid workplace is to be successful, we clearly need technology that enables better, smarter collaboration. Technology that helps us collaborate the way we want to and use the devices and conferencing platforms we are comfortable with. Technology that focuses on meeting equity. This is exactly where collaboration room systems like ClickShare come in, to make meetings more inclusive, intuitive and productive.
Caring for people: that’s what ClickShare Conference CX-50 2nd generation does
Over the past 2 years, the simplicity of ClickShare has been making the hybrid meeting experience better in more than 1 million meeting rooms around the globe.
The CX-50 2nd generation, the premium ClickShare Conference with A++ ecolabel, is designed to enable better collaboration in high-impact meeting rooms. Thanks to dual screen support, everyone gets an equal seat in the hybrid meeting, no matter if they join remotely or in-room.
During video meetings, one of the screens is dedicated to the remote participants, where they remain visible at all time. So, in-room participants can include remote colleagues more into the conversation. In turn, remote users are assured that their presence on screen gives them equal contribution possibilities in the physical room.
Working with any device, any video conferencing platform, any peripheral, in any type of meeting room. In addition, the room adapts to the user guiding them through the meeting thanks to smart meeting flows powered by the ClickShare App.