
Most employees would stay longer at a company if it invested in their development

Ensuring employee retention, creating a learning culture, driving engagement among dispersed workforces, or successful training in the hybrid workplace ― these are just a few of the difficulties faced by learning and development departments like you. 


Premium virtual and hybrid corporate learning solutions for your workplace

Delivering compelling virtual and hybrid learning experiences can be the solution to your challenges. Bring together your global workforce into a live environment that transcends borders and lead successful corporate training programs flexibly and cost-effectively!  


Purpose-built virtual and hybrid training technology

The Barco dedicated products will make these premium learning experiences reality. Our virtual and hybrid classroom technology has been built together with business schools, learning and development departments, learning technologists and educators. It features powerful capabilities; it´s easy to install and use, enhances natural facilitation skills for trainers and boosts engagement and retention for learners.    

Talk to us

Don't hesitate to contact us with your questions. Our team will gladly point you in the right direction.