Increase efficiency transforming electrical energy to the product’s intended function; including standby, normal mode, off mode.
At Barco, we want to communicate openly about the environmental footprint of our products. However, today there is no all-round scoring scale available that covers different types of products. The existing ones only cover one specific aspect (e.g. power consumption or material use), or focus on one typical product group (e.g. household equipment). This forced us to develop an objective tool that grades our products according to all aspects of their ecodesign performance: the Barco ecoscoring. The framework that has been used to validate the ecoscoring is defined in the ISO 14021 standard and the complete methodology was validated by the experts from EY.
Products that are assigned the highest ecoscore, also bring value for our customers on several aspects. These products typically have a lower TCO because they are best-in-class when it comes to energy efficiency and longevity. Furthermore, they are designed to ensure modularity, upgradability and connectivity, and re-use and recyclability.
The ecoscoring tool focuses on 4 domains that have the highest impact on the product environmental footprint: Energy, Materials, Packaging & Logistics, and End-of-life.
Increase efficiency transforming electrical energy to the product’s intended function; including standby, normal mode, off mode.
Reduce the use of (potentially) hazardous substances that are currently or in the future restricted. Improve the use of materials that are more environmentally friendly in terms of production or sourcing.
Optimize packaging design to reduce the amount of material used and logistic footprint; improve the potential to use and recycle the packaging material afterwards.
Improve material efficiency, avoid the product to become early waste, and reduce the impact at end of life; reduce the amount of non-recyclable materials.