Philips Supplier Award for Sustainability honors Barco’s environmental efforts
News · Healthcare · 2 min read
Worldwide healthcare technology leader Philips has awarded Barco with their Supplier Award for Sustainability. Philips is one of Barco’s long-time, valued strategic partners.
Sustainability as pillar of our company
Scott Schwartz, Chief Procurement Officer at Philips comments: “Barco has made consistent sustainability efforts since 2015 such as reducing the carbon emissions of their operations by 50% since then. They show a strategic approach towards sustainability, which is reflected in their day-to-day work and proposals for new product introductions. On top of that, they are proactive in the submission of sustainability documentation and don’t need any follow-up. That makes conversations and agreements about the topic easy to have.”
Every year Barco sets corporate targets, as part of a long-term plan to continuously strengthen their three sustainability pillars: People, Planet and Communities. Barco communicates their sustainability results in their annual integrated report.
Ecoscoring our products
An example of Barco’s always-on sustainability efforts is the ecoscoring protocol to which they submit all new products. The tool grades them according to the four domains with the highest environmental impact: energy, materials, packaging & logistics, and end of life optimization – circular economy. Products that score excellently on these four domains have a lower environmental footprint and can be marked with the ‘Barco Eco Product label’.
One of Barco’s corporate goals for 2023 is that at least 70% of its revenue should come from products that have the Barco ecolabel. Many of their new medical products comply with that rule. The ecoscoring methodology is made stricter each year and evaluated by external auditing companies. The ecoscore clearly demonstrates the added value of Barco products for their customers.
Great teamwork
The Philips award ceremony took place at the end of March in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Barco’s leadership team was represented virtually by Executive VP Surgical & Modality Johan Fornier.
Johan Fornier reacts proudly: “The Supplier Award for Sustainability represents excellent teamwork – between both the Philips teams and our own product and sustainability teams. We thank Philips for the excellent partnership that we enjoy with them. We look forward to continuing and growing our sustainability efforts together.”