Enjoy intuitive, stress-free hybrid meetings with smart meeting flows

As a business, you don’t want your workforce to lose time when starting and hosting hybrid meetings. With ClickShare the meeting experience for any user is simple and highly intuitive, with both the ClickShare Button or the ClickShare App. Smart meeting flows make meetings effective and worry-free.

Room availability

Walk into the meeting room, you immediately see if the room is available or not


Automatically connect to the meeting room with the App or plug in a Button


Kick off your meeting, ClickShare guides you as a host or participant


Join any meeting from your personal calendar with a single click

Advanced Sharing

Share full screen or application window, while keeping your laptop screen private for note taking

Conference View

Share your presentation while keeping remote participants' video on screen

Digital Signage

When you end the call, the meeting room display becomes a digital signage display

Smart meeting flows solve these frequent hybrid meeting challenges

Connecting the laptop to audio & video devices
Powering up the meeting room
Joining a meeting from a calendar on a laptop
Keeping track of both content and people in the room

Talk to us

Don't hesitate to contact us with your questions. Our team will gladly point you in the right direction.

Ready to upgrade your meeting room? Not sure where to start?