ClickShare Desktop App Mac DMG
- Version
- v4.43.0.8
- File size
- 140 MB
- Release date
- 10 Jan 2025
- Available for
- SHA256 checksum
- 58b0ce093073e6e75f75d36d34acec71da75823e026c257e6252796b13424ced
Release notes
- Installed application will be automatically running and visible in the menu bar after your Mac boots up. Once ClickShare button is plugged in, you will be able to share right away without launching the application.
- Bug Fixes: Improvements on application stability and dual sharing experience
Version history
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Release notes
- Multi-language support for the improved Dual Sharing.
- Application improvements e.g. connection resume mechanism, dual sharing and Smart Meeting Flow requires new base unit firmware 2.22 (To be released soon).
- Bug Fixes: Mouse cursor position is not accurate when there are external monitors connected
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Release notes
- Dual Sharing Improvement - The user flow and interface are improved based on the feedbacks. To have the full feature benefit, please upgrade the BaseUnit firmware to the latest 2.22 release. Known Issue Fixed : Resolve the wrong behavior with CS-100/CSE-200/C5/C10
- App UI version will now be set to New/Large UI as default unless the version was set to Old/Small during the IT depolyment before.
- Security Improvement - Update Electron component to the latest and fix an OpenSSL issue
- Bug Fix: Wrong cursor position during the PPT presentation mode
- Bug Fix: Sharing is not switch back from PPT presentation mode(full screen) to app mode(window), and other SMF related improvements
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- Fix of Observed Issue: Sharing session is wrongly blocked with "Maximum Number of Connection Reached" message
- Fix of Observed Issue: Specific scenario that leads to crash observed from data statistic
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Release notes
- Multi-language support to Camera Control with CB-Pro/CB-Core
- Improve connectivity and fix some display freeze scenario
- Bug Fix: Sharing TEAMS window and share power point via TEAMS will no longer lead to a black screen
- Bug Fix: Update the expired singing certificate in ClickShare App
- Bug Fix: Remove the unnecessary web contact due to What's New
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Release notes
- Multi-language support to Camera Control with CB-Pro/CB-Core
- Improve connectivity and fix some display freeze scenario
- Bug Fix: Sharing TEAMS window and share power point via TEAMS will no longer lead to a black screen
- Bug Fix: Update the expired signing certificate in ClickShare App
- Bug Fix: Remove the unnecessary web contact due to What's New
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Release notes
- Update the web component (Chromium OS Electron) to the later version for security improvement
- Bug Fixing: App crashes when sharing content enter and leave mission control frequently
- Bug Fixing: Scaling issue on the display when doing the app sharing
- Bug Fixing: PresentSense not enabled in the next launch after PresentSense is turned on via promotion dialog
- Bug Fixing: Display taking over failed when there are 2 contents are shared
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Release notes
- Describe PresenSense in the app homepage after app is installed for the first time.
- Add Camera control panel with CB-Pro/CB-Core
- 1-Smart Framing Options (Off/Group/Speaker/Composition)
- 2-PTZ Setting and default (from BU) Reset
- 3-Volume up/down
- Remove obfuscator to the false detection of some specific anti-virus solutions
- Release procedure document (KB#11889) for mass deployment with Microsoft Intune
- Bug Fixing:CB-Pro/CB-Core Peripheral control UI issues.
- Bug Fixing: App without a button fails to share audio.
- Bug Fixing: Unable to take over by long-pressing the button during content sharing.
- Bug Fixing: App repeatedly appears on screen after closing.
- Bug Fixing: Google presentation on Mac displays erratic slide transitions when projected via ClickShare.
- Bug Fixing: App crashes issue
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Release notes
- Improved readability: remove the bottom information bar in the room picker and thumbnail view, and update the font family
- Perform a full display sharing by long-pressing the desktop/app thumbnail in new UI
- Change the default UI to New UI when installing the app on a newly installed laptop (without giving an option)
- (Beta Only) Add PresentSense Notification for a detected room when the app is open but not focused
- Bug Fixing: button malfunction on Mac devices with usernames containing spaces
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Release notes
- Enhance the video streaming quality(FPS) with lower system resource (General Available)
- Remove in-app promotion pop-ups (i.e. New UI promotion)
- Change the default UI to New UI when installing the app on a newly installed laptop (without giving an option)
- Bug Fixing: Certain messages are out of the notification box in a specific resolution
- Bug Fixing: Correct the wrongly shown translations
- Bug Fixing: Unclickable "connect" button of PresentSense
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Release notes
- New user experience with PresentSense to connect a room
- User has the option to decline user survey for good by clicking "Don't show again"
- Application will be auto-launched after restarting or logging into the system
- Security update - update the secure communication to OpenSSL version 3.0
- Beta - Enhance the video streaming quality(FPS) with lower system resource
- Bug Fixing : Sync the mic Permission with PresentSense feature
- Bug Fixing : WiFi password input forzen state after entering a wrong password
- Bug Fixing : App issues that affects the UX/UI
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Release notes
- Streamline app users' new user interface to have the minimal app presence when using the button
- Add the mechanism and condition to auto-dismiss the in-app messages
- Fix the wrong app sharing thumbnail status when presenting a power point slide show
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- Improve user experience in new UI by reducing pop-ups and focus switch
- Fix the disappearing cursor when sharing with a 2nd monitor connected
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Release notes
- User rating mechanism is changed with a new design in new UI
- Bug fixes for stability issues crashes during sharing and more
- NOTE: App-based conference driver installed prior to 4.28 (4.27 and backwards) is required to perform another MSI installation. This will prevent an abnormal behavior in room speakerphone.
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Release notes
- Correct a compatibility issue with the upcoming Clickshare base unit release
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Release notes
- Improved connection in ClickShare App with a new Passcode design and an optimised flow - "show passcode again" and "try it again" if the passcode is expired or not on screen anymore.
- See remote participants and your content side by side in ultrawide displays connected to Clickshare CX-50 Gen2 and CX-30 Gen2.
- [Beta] See remote participants in one display and content in the other even when a remote participant is sharing! Available only for Dual display and ultrawide displays.
- Documentation improvement on KB3329, about MSI intallation option for "UI Option".
- General Bug Fixing for Clickshare app.
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Release notes
- Please refer to the Release Note: New Installation Mechanism, VDD Extended Desktop Sharing, Smart Meeting Flow Improvement, Beta Program Registration, and General Improvements
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Release notes
- Calendar Integration Disabled
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Release notes
- New App Beta: Use the room display as a second screen with an Extended Desktop feature!
- Improve the New App Stability
- Improve the compatibility with macOS 13 Ventura
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Release notes
- Enjoy the brand-new App and be a master in hybrid meetings with the HostFlow feature now live in Preview!
- The focus on the PowerPoint presentation control will remain valid when the user clicks on the button to unshare the screen.
- The customer upgrades their PCs to Windows 10 Enterprise 2019 or 2021 LSB instead of the Windows Enterprise 2016 LSB to resolve the incompatibility problem.
- The MS Teams and Zoom meetings won't be automatically shared on the meeting screen when the user plugs in the ClickShare button.
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Release notes
- Enjoy the brand-new App and the HostFlow feature in Beta. Enjoy a brand-new meeting experience with HostFlow now live in Beta!
- Fix a double cursor problem from the extended desktop sharing use case.
- Support the HDR function from the display card setting.
- Improve the Pause/Stop sharing experience.
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Release notes
- Enjoy the brand-new App and its simplified connection and sharing experience
- Use the Button to share as extended desktop when enabled In the App.
- Improved One-Click-Join to ensure ClickShare Calendar Reader is reading the default account.
- Better error handling in the App when used in combination with a Button.
- Improved reliability of starting the App when a Button is plugged into the laptop.
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Release notes
- One-Click-Join now supports retrieving calendar information from all accounts configured in Microsoft Outlook.
- Better user support when the Button can’t connect to meeting room.
- Only the host of the videocall will use the audio peripheral to ensure a great hybrid experience when multiple users are connected to the room.
- Meeting room names of ClickShare Conference CX-50 devices are always correctly displayed.
- Share audio through your laptop when the audio output on the ClickShare Base Unit is disabled.
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- (Windows)Improved One Click Join to ensure ClickShare Calendar Reader default is reading one account in order to avoid the authentication pop ups.
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Release notes
- [Beta] Switch to the new App as soon as you have joined the Beta Community.
- Additional 3rd party audio driver support on macOS (BlackHole).
- Improved installation process avoids Group Policy execution blocking.
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Release notes
- The App will notify users to unmute the laptop microphone when this is blocking the detection of the PresentSense signal.
- Installing (EXE MSI) and running the App on non Latin alphabet language OS no longer crashes the App.
- [Beta App] Clear naming of the screens you can share.
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Release notes
- Reduced the CPU usage of the App when not in use.
- Fixed an issue where in some case the ClickShare Web Component was reported as malicious by the antivirus software on the pc.
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Release notes
- Beta Program now is also available for Mainland China.
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Release notes
- Join the ClickShare Beta Community right from the Settings in the App and be the first to experience the new features we’re working on.
- [Beta feature] Try out our new ClickShare App that makes it even more intuitive to host your hybrid meetings with ClickShare.
- On some computers that have hardware acceleration of audio enabled, the audio is missing when sharing via the ClickShare Desktop App.
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Release notes
- The machine-wide installation (MSI) will remove any end-user installation (.EXE) of the ClickShare App.
- When plugging in a ClickShare Button that can't connect to it's base unit, the App will notify the user.
- On MAC OS, the cursor will remain visible when switching from screen to app sharing.
- Improved reliability of PresentSense after ClickShare App stops unexpectedly.
- On some computers that have hardware acceleration of audio enabled, the audio is missing when sharing via the ClickShare Desktop App.
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Release notes
- PresentSense: Connecting to a meeting room with the ClickShare App is just easy as a button, just walk in and connect in MAC.
- Start local view from Microsoft teams sharing on MAC OS.
- Improvement of the Calendar Integration Stability and Reliability.
- Improvement of Desktop Sharing Performance.
- Extended desktop menu item only available when the extension pack is installed.
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Release notes
- The ClickShare App no longer freezes when disabling PresentSense or quitting the App.
- One Click Join stability improvements when Outlook is not the default email client.
- PresentSense will no longer pop up to connect once a ClickShare Button has been plugged in.
- Non-ASCII characters in the Windows username no longer block the ClickShare App from starting when plugging in a Button.
- In some cases the calendar integration can cause the App to become unresponsive for a few seconds .
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Release notes
- PresentSense: Connecting to a meeting room with the ClickShare App is just as easy as with a Button: just walk in and connect. Now available for Windows 10, coming to macOS soon.
- With the updated MSI installer it’s now easier to deploy the App for all users of the device, through the GUI or with automated deployments.
- Improved reliability when sharing the (hidden) room display window in a video call.
- Higher quality result when sharing your desktop on macOS.
- Added support for the Norwegian language.
- App-based Conferencing Beta testers will need to uninstall the ClickShare App and App-based Conferencing drivers before installing this version.
- A specific character in the Windows username may prevent the ClickShare App from starting correctly.
- When quitting the App it may become unresponsive for few seconds.
- Under certain conditions the PresentSense pop up will cause the computer to become unresponsive for few seconds.
- In some cases the calendar integration can cause the App to become unresponsive for a few seconds.
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Release notes
- The room display will no longer be shared remotely in the UCC app when the Local View window is closed
- Whenever local view is in use or being shared, it is always reflected on the meeting room display through the red eye icon
- Improved fluency when sharing the desktop with content animations or video playing
- In some cases the room display will not be shared remotely when you start sharing it in the video call.
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Release notes
- Privacy controls: Users and admins can opt-out of collection anonymous product Usage Statistics from the Settings pane in the About window
- Privacy controls: Users can disable the One Click Join calendar integration from the Settings pane in the About window
- Rating feedback: Express yourself when sending your feedback on the ClickShare Experience through the added feedback box
- Calendar integration: improved stability of the One Click Join calendar integration component (calendarreader32/64.exe)
- Microsoft Teams may flash when the option "disable GPU hardware acceleration" is disabled in the Teams settings
- When sharing a Chrome browser window with video content and you place another application window on top, the video content is no longer visible on the meeting room display. This is not the case with other browsers.
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Release notes
- Simplified sharing of the meeting room display with remote participants. As soon as you connect to a ClickShare Conference Base Unit with a Windows 10 computer, the room display will be available as the first window you can share in your video call app, even without it being visible on the computer screen.
- Improved stability and performance on macOS 11 (Big Sur). Upgrading to macOS 11.2 is recommended for the best experience.
- Microsoft Teams may flash when the option "disable GPU hardware acceleration" is disabled in the Teams settings
- When sharing a Chrome browser window with video content and you place another application window on top, the video content is no longer visible on the meeting room display. This is not the case with other browsers.
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Release notes
- One Click Join now also works with the following video conferencing platforms: MS Skype/Lync, Cisco WebEx, Lifesize, Starleaf, Slack and BlueJeans
- One Click Join is now also available when the 64-bit version of the Microsoft Outlook client is installed
- One Click Join better supports low privilege user profiles
- All menu actions are now available from the Quick Button menu and the ClickShare App menu icon, even when sharing
- Users on Apple macOS 11 (Big Sur) can encounter major performance issues when sharing with ClickShare (Button and App). As a workaround, impacted users can share using Airplay with supported Base Units (CSE-200, CSE-200+, CSE-800, CX-20, CX-30 and CX-50)
- Microsoft Teams may flash when the option "disable GPU hardware acceleration" is disabled in the Teams settings
- When sharing a Chrome browser window with video content and you place another application window on top, the video content is no longer visible on the meeting room display. This is not the case with other browsers.
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Release notes
- Users in your organization will from time to time be asked to rate their experience of sharing with ClickShare. We're continually improving the ClickShare user experience and we want to use this feedback to make ClickShare even better.
- What’s New will now only pop up when the user opens the ClickShare App and no longer directly after installation or update (both for EXE and MSI).
- Improved handling of Windows User Account Control (UAC) popups while sharing.
- When sharing PowerPoint in Presenter Mode to the meeting room screen, the mouse cursor will no longer be visible on the meeting room screen.
- One-Click Join is only available on Windows and will only work with a local Microsoft Outlook 32-bit client installed
- Microsoft Teams may flash when the option "disable GPU hardware acceleration" is disabled in the Teams settings
- When sharing a Chrome browser window with video content and you place another application window on top, the video content is no longer visible on the meeting room display. This is not the case with other browsers.
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Release notes
- One-Click Join: join the Zoom call based on the link in the calendar item
- One-Click Join: improved support for meetings in time-zones with daylight saving time
- One-Click Join: connect to the meeting room specified as location in the calendar item when the meeting room is in range
- One-Click Join: better handling of unsupported Outlook client versions
- Improved image quality when sharing presentations with a lot of details using the ClickShare Button
- Improved support for emulation on ARM-based Windows devices
- One-Click Join is only available on Windows and will only work with a local Microsoft Outlook 32-bit client installed
- Microsoft Teams may flash when the option "disable GPU hardware acceleration" is disabled in the Teams settings
- When sharing a Chrome browser window with video content and you place another application window on top, the video content is no longer visible on the meeting room display. This is not the case with other browsers.
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Release notes
What's New:
- One Click Join: connect to the meeting room, join the video call or both, with just one click
- One Click Join: see the meeting you want to join, based on your local Microsoft Outlook (32-bit) calendar
- One Click Join: join the Microsoft Teams call based on the link in the calendar item
- One Click Join: connect to the meeting room specified as location in the calendar item when the meeting room is in range
- Improved image quality when sharing presentations with a lot of detail
- Resolved stability issues on macOS 14.2
- Improved stability when automatic proxy configuration is enabled on macOS
- The ClickShare App no longer crashes when using the advanced sharing (application/desktop) mode
- Improved meeting room discovery when frequently disabling and enabled the wireless network
- On Windows the ClickShare App will now always shut down correctly
- The ClickShare App will also update itself in corporate environments configured with a reverse proxy
- One Click Join is only available on Windows and will only work with a local Microsoft Outlook 32-bit client installed
- In time-zones with daylight saving time, One Click Join meeting reminders might be display at the wrong moment
- Microsoft Teams may flash when the option "disable GPU hardware acceleration" is disabled in the Teams settings
- When sharing a full-screen PowerPoint presentation via the "View room display" in Microsoft Teams, Zoom or WebEx, remote participants may see distorted content
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Release notes
What's New:
- One Click Join: connect to the meeting room, join the video call or both, with just one click
- One Click Join: see the meeting you want to join, based on your local Microsoft Outlook (32-bit) calendar
- One Click Join: join the Microsoft Teams call based on the link in the calendar item
- One Click Join: connect to the meeting room specified as location in the calendar item when the meeting room is in range
- Improved image quality when sharing presentations with a lot of detail
- Resolved stability issues on macOS 14.2
- Improved stability when automatic proxy configuration is enabled on macOS
- The ClickShare App no longer crashes when using the advanced sharing (application/desktop) mode
- Improved meeting room discovery when frequently disabling and enabled the wireless network
- On Windows the ClickShare App will now always shut down correctly
- One Click Join is only available on Windows and will only work with a local Microsoft Outlook 32-bit client installed
- In time-zones with daylight saving time, One Click Join meeting reminders might be display at the wrong moment
- Microsoft Teams may flash when the option "disable GPU hardware acceleration" is disabled in the Teams settings
- When sharing a full-screen PowerPoint presentation via the "View room display" in Microsoft Teams, Zoom or WebEx, remote participants may see distorted content
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Release notes
What's New:
- Any of the connected displays can be shared to the meeting room, in the same way you would share a specific application
- On macOS, a restart of the system is no longer needed for the ClickShare App to auto-update to the latest version
- Improved the meeting room discovery when the Base Unit’s Wi-Fi is enabled
- Resolved the stability issues of the ClickShare Desktop App on Windows
- Microsoft Teams may flash when the option "disable GPU hardware acceleration" is disabled in the Teams settings
- When sharing a full-screen PowerPoint presentation via the "View room display" in Microsoft Teams, Zoom or WebEx, remote participants may see distorted content
- In some rare cases on Windows systems, the ClickShare App keeps running in the background when closed (Quit) and can only be terminated by restarting the system
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Release notes
What's New:
- Whenever a new version of the ClickShare App is installed, the user will be informed of what has changed. This information is also available on the "What's new" tab of the About screen
- Whatever you share in your Microsoft Teams, Zoom or Cisco WebEx call automatically appears on the meeting room screen you have connected to
- To better understand how users interact with the ClickShare App and so that we can improve the user experience, even more, we gather product insights, taking great care not to collect any personal data of the users
- Reduced latency and smoother result when sharing video content to the meeting room display, even when the computers' CPU is under high load
- Pressing the "ESC" key will close pop-out menus and app lists within the ClickShare App
- The ClickShare App security has been further hardened, amongst others to avoid malicious code execution
- Microsoft Teams may flash when the option "disable GPU hardware acceleration" is disabled in the Teams settings
- When sharing a full-screen PowerPoint presentation via the "View room display" in Microsoft Teams, Zoom or WebEx, remote participants may see distorted content
- In rare cases, the ClickShare App becomes unresponsive on Windows computers. This can be resolved by closing the app through the Task Manager and restarting it from the Start Menu shortcut
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Improvements and Bug Fixes:
- The audio of shared content is controlled through the Windows Volume Mixer
- Users on macOS 10.15 Catalina are reminded to disconnect when they leave the meeting room
- Rendering of the mouse cursor icon on the room display is now consistent with the source system
- The CPU usage and latency when sharing content to the meeting room display has been improved
- When directly connected to a Base Unit, it might happen your previous Wi-Fi connection is not restored upon disconnecting from the meeting room. Manually switching your Wi-Fi connection resolves the problem.
- It might happen that the App is not able to operate the Wi-Fi auto-switch and auto-connect – simply retry connecting to resolve the problem.
- In some cases the Base Unit IP address information in the About window can be empty or show "" when a Button has been plugged in.
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Release notes
Improvements and Bug Fixes:
- Improved image stability when sharing content in a Microsoft Teams call with a ClickShare CSE-200 Base Unit
- Reduced latency when sharing content to the meeting room display
- Improved usability of the moderation screen by enabling minimization and maximization
- Fixed the extended desktop setting staying enabled after disconnecting from the Base Unit
- Corrected the 'Display Room View' action button in the French language
- Further security hardening of the App
- When directly connected to a Base Unit, it might happen your previous Wi-Fi connection is not restored upon disconnecting from the meeting room. Manually switching your Wi-Fi connection resolves the problem.
- It might happen that the App is not able to operate the Wi-Fi auto-switch and auto-connect – simply retry connecting to resolve the problem.
- In some cases the Base Unit IP address information in the About window can be empty or show "" when a Button has been plugged in.
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Release notes
What's New:
- Deploying the new MSI installer in enterprise deployments, the ClickShare Desktop App will now be available for all device users.
- Improved overall meeting room discovery through mDNS/SSDP, even when Base Unit wifi is disabled
- The ClickShare Desktop App will now update silently (no user interaction) whenever a new version is available
- Fixed the mouse cursor disappearing on the meeting room screen when hovering over an input field (e.g. the URL address bar in Web Browser, or a text input field in Microsoft Excel)
- Touch screen inputs are now disabled when screen sharing is paused
- Optimized the user experience on touch devices when the App is minimized
- When directly connected to a Base Unit, it might happen your previous Wi-Fi connection is not restored upon disconnecting from the meeting room. Manually switching your Wi-Fi connection resolves the problem.
- It might happen that the App is not able to operate the Wi-Fi auto-switch and auto-connect – simply retry connecting to resolve the problem.
- In some cases the Base Unit IP address information in the About window can be empty or show "" when a Button has been plugged in.
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Release notes
What's New:
- When not interacting with the App, it's presence on the screen is minimized.
- One click synchronized sharing in ClickShare and Microsoft Teams and Zoom when using ClickShare Conference (CX-20, CX-30, CX 50 Base Units).
- Get access to advanced ClickShare Conference functions through the Quick Button.
- Improved the stability when sharing to CX-20, CX-30 and CX-50 Base Units.
- Improved the AV performance for macOS 10.15 Catalina users when sharing to a CS-100 (Huddle), CSE-200 (+), CSE-800 Base Unit.
- Improved the compatibility when sharing a single application the ClickShare Desktop App might occasionally stop working.
- When directly connected to a Base Unit, it might happen your previous Wi-Fi connection is not restored upon disconnecting from the meeting room. Manually switching your Wi-Fi connection resolves the problem.
- It might happen that the App is not able to operate the Wi-Fi auto-switch and auto-connect – simply retry connecting to resolve the problem.
- In some cases the Base Unit IP address information in the About window can be empty or show "" when a Button has been plugged in.
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Release notes
What did we change in this version:
- Improved the stability for macOS 10.15 Catalina users when sharing to CX-20, CX-30 and CX-50 Base Units.
- When pressing the Quick Button the main app menu will appear on screen.
- Support for multiple languages when sharing to CX-20, CX-30 and CX-50 Base Units.
- Enable multilanguage support for the new way of PowerPoint app sharing.
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What did we change in this version:
- The ClickShare Desktop App show the incorrect icon on the desktop. Simply reinstall the application enjoy the ClickShare circle again.
- For MSI installer user, the ClickShare Desktop App show the alert message for Windows Defender Alert window.
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Release notes
What did we change in this version:
- Share you PowerPoint presentation through application sharing and enjoy your notes using presenter view by right clicking on your slides and selecting “Show presenter view”. This allows presenting with notes without the need to install the ClickShare Extension Pack or ClickShare Extended Desktop Driver. More information available on
- When sharing to the meeting room, the system audio state is respected. Unmute your speakers before sharing with the ClickShare App to share audio to the meeting room.
- The application sharing functionality now supports sharing different desktops and screens. It has been further improved with respect to stability and performance.
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Release notes
What did we change in this version:
- When sharing to the meeting room, audio is always shared, even when your system audio is muted.
- Fixed an issue where some application thumbnails were not shown on Windows.
- Allow IT Admin to change the location where the application is installed using the MSI by adding an install option.
- Fixed an issue where the mouse cursor was incorrectly positioned when the user shared an application window from his/her Mac or Windows PC.
- Fixed a problem where the meeting room list is incorrect on macOS Catalina (10.15).
- Offer an user message to acknowledge screen capturing through macOS privacy rules when user first time launch the app on macOS Catalina (10.15).
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Release notes
What did we change in this version:
- Introducing our multi-language user interface
- The ClickShare Desktop App is now compatible with macOS 10.15 Catalina
- You can now connect to your ClickShare meeting room by using the hostname of the device in case the presence detection is disabled
- Fixed a problem where the first source sharing in a moderation session was not shown on screen
- Fixed an issue that prevented WiFi switching when plugging in a ClickShare Button
- Context menu does now hide when user click on the hamburger menu for second time
- Resolved an issue where a conflict could arise between a secondary desktop and the extended desktop functionality of ClickShare
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Release notes
What did we change in this version:
- The Desktop App will now check on a daily basis for updates on Windows 7/8/10
- Solved an issue where the App would not become visible after an upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10
- Fixed an issue that prevented disconnection from a meeting room after entering laptop standby
- Automatically change audio on macOS when the ClickShare Button is plugged in to share content
- Fixed an issue where the presenter was unable to share audio on macOS Mojave 10.14.6
- A notification message will now popup when the annotation or blackboarding session is being saved on the laptop
- A notification message will now be shown when a participant started or stopped moderation mode
- In some cases it might happen that the first source sharing in a moderation session is not shown on screen. Simply unshare and share to try again
- When directly connected to a Base Unit, it might happen your previous WiFi connection is not restored upon disconnecting from the meeting room
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Release notes
What did we change in this version:
- A number of bug fixes and feature enhancements
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Release notes
What did we change in this version:
- Improve the compatibility with ClickShare Launcher and Button app
- Improve the design to resolve the overlap with other applications UI control at right bottom screen
- Improve the design to remember the UI position adjusted by user
- A small number of bug fixes
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Release notes
What did we change in this version:
- Added Moderation feature for CSE-800.
- Improve the accuracy of meeting room list update for Mac user.
- Improve the compatibility on macOS Mojave 10.14.5
- Improve the UI visual quality while sharing the desktop screen.
- User will not see the Windows Defender Alert when the Desktop App updated to new version.
- Bug fixes
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Release notes
It is highly advised to use this app in combination with BaseUnit version 01.07 or higher.
What is the ClickShare desktop app
- Choose your way of sharing with the new ClickShare desktop app! The app allows you to easily connect and share content to a meeting room. Simply download and install the app without administrator rights, connect to a meeting room in your vicinity, and share your content with one click.
- The app works perfectly together and in sync with the ClickShare button.
- Note: the app is compatible with the CS-100, CS-100 Huddle, CSE-200, CSE-200+ and CSE-800 Base units. When using older ClickShare models, such as the CSC or the CSM, make sure to use a physical ClickShare button in combination with the app.