Sep 4, 2024

Embracing change: Elsje’s transition from supermarket to Barco innovator

2 min read

"I’ve been with Barco since 1994, and it’s been an incredible journey," Elsje Declercq, Commercial Operations Manager, began. "My previous job was in a supermarket, which was nothing compared to Barco. I remember the test days to get into the company—they needed just a few people, but over 100 showed up. I was lucky to pass and start the next week. From day one, I felt welcomed and appreciated. I landed in a team of seniors who were eager to teach me everything, not just about work but about life. We connected deeply, shared stories, and truly bonded. One team was more than just a word back then."
portret Elsje Declercq

Over the years, Elsje has experienced many proud moments.

"One of the highlights was visiting the U2 concert where Bono personally thanked all Barco employees who worked on his ‘City of Blinding Lights’ show. It was an unforgettable moment that made all the hard work worthwhile."

On technological advancements, Elsje remarked, "The transition from analog to Digital Cinema was a game-changer. Being part of the teams during the launch of LED (outdoor) and Digital Cinema were major events. I can't even describe those moments—unbelievable memories of hard work and beautiful results."

Elsje's commitment to Barco is unwavering. "If you are willing to grow, learn, and work hard, Barco will support you and give you opportunities.

You just need to grab them and leave your comfort zone—it will enrich you. Working at Barco has spoiled me; it’s difficult to be impressed by competitors' products or events because we work for the world leader in many technologies."

 Elsje first workday, January 1994

When asked what makes her proud to say she works at Barco, Elsje responded, "The people, the building, and the technology. 'Barco,' what else?"

As Barco celebrates 90 years, Elsje Declercq’s journey exemplifies the continuous learning, adaptability, and passion that drive the company forward.

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